Saturday, October 13, 2012

‘Funny’ came to mind but….


Anonymous said...

Man you are becoming a comedian now.

Better Days Ahead said...

its a fact that trinidad can perhaps removed VAT on most food items because they have alot of economic support systems such as OIL,thriving manufacturing plants,commerce..etc.. things we dont have in our sweet st.lucia..

can i ask UWP stalwarts.. where is the 9 foot statue of the late pm comptom.. ?? so when ppl speak of slp stealing uwp ideas..1st & foremost we need to stop that crap & instead copy first world countries when there is a change of power.. every future project should be seen as a continuation irrespective of who is in power.. DID OBAMA CLOSED DOWN GUANTANAMO BAY.. he talked the talk but he didnt walk it did he.. its still open.. so lets not play party josie..

Anonymous said...

Please, please, please stop calling the late John Compton, a great leader. Oh, what short memories we have! I have yet to see a great leader/politician in St. Lucia.

Anonymous said...

To above, where have you been living the past 35 yrs. You IDIOT

Anonymous said...

There are a few questions which need to be answered to bring the truth to light. 1.When did T&T introduce Vat? Which of the two countries (ie. T&T or SLU) has had more time to make adjustments to VAT? Didn't this government promise to make adjustments to VAT to suit the needs of the populace? Wasn't Josie invited to make a contribution to facilitate a smooth transition into VAT, like everyone else? Didn't the Government warn the populace of expected turbulance during VAT's initial implementation? Didn't the Government promise to effect changes like T&T did ? If these questions are answered correctly, you will realise that better days are ahead and that VAT is a necessary to help curb our dependence on others. St. Kitts is about to loose 2400 acres of land to pay it's debt. A situation like what King did with our soverign Black Bay and other Lands.

Anonymous said...

Blogger at 11:15 AM: The past 30 (not 35) years I have lived in St. Lucia, maybe that makes me an idiot. This idiot knows better than to resort to name calling when somebody expresses their opinion. That's a sign of cowardice.

Anonymous said...

VAT is not the problem. There are various ways by which the government can ensure that low income people, can get access to medicine at a lower costs. Thats what we should be focusing on.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Do we want to fall prey to the foriegn big dogs. Some islands have resorted to bartering citizenship (passports) for a few hundred thousand dollars of investments. On top of that, they are free to sell their investments after a period of five years,retain their citizenships and their families and the new owners (foriegners), gets the same citizenship previllages with their families. Over a short period of time, thousands of foriegners gain citizenship for the same initial investment. Antigua is now looking to go in that direction. Others like St.Kitts, Dominica are already there. A sign of desperation. Do we want to take that route?