Saturday, May 9, 2009

Every Now and Then ‘A Star Is Born’



Anonymous said...

Looking for a job in a future government, Mr. Springer? What's that brown stain on your nose? LOL

Anonymous said...

Come on Denys,it is little wonder you share the same views with Rufus.Could it be you have the same aspirations,and have a commonality,which makes it easy for you to support a Felon, for Prime Minister of St. Lucia.
You often speak of character.You are so lacking,you have moved from family to lackey.

Anonymous said...

The writer conflates a good grasp of the English Language with strong morality. We should all seek to embrace those with poor diction but with staightfowardness of character over those with good diction but weak morality. Nelson Mandela does not have good diction but his moral standards are nearly impeccable.

Anonymous said...

Amoung St Lucian writers, I will say that Mr. Springer has become a big joke.

The only sad thing about it all is that everyone can now see it but himself.

Anonymous said...

Why does The Voice continue to insult its readers by printing this vomit from Saint Lucia's WORST SUPPER SINGER? Dr. SINGER is smelling the coffee that Sick Wayne and some others are brewing, and he has begun to do what he does BEST...SING for SUPPER, early - pwend duvant avant duvant pwend - this time to the new Prime Minister of Saint Lucia, the one and only Dishonourable Rufus George Bousquet, aka FEDERAL PRISONER # 7730116 "BRUCE DUANE TUCKER." Prime Minister BRUCE DUANE TUCKER will surely propose to the Taiwanese that Dr. Denise SINGER be Taiwan's next Ambassador in Saint Lucia, to replace the failure Tom Chou. SING SINGER SING. Donna.

Anonymous said...

And the beat goes on for Springer he tried the same tatics to get employment from the prevoius adminstration to no avail. Mr. springer why don't you get, no matter how brown your nose and tongue gets you are simply not Competent enough to get work

Anonymous said...

And look who's speaking of good diction and good English, the opportunistic DR. DENISE SINGER, whose utterly childish use of the English language as well as the pettiness of his non-arguments, make me want to me vomit my lunch. Dr. SINGER is yet to explain just how it is that FEDERAL PRISONER BRUCE DUANE TUCKER, also known as RUFUS BOUSQUET is a star. SING SINGER SING. Donna.