Saturday, June 6, 2009

Shameful Transfer



Anonymous said...

The SLP's statement on the transfer of the public officer is loaded with hyprocricy. It raises some questions/issues: (1)where were they when the labour government was transfering high ranking officers or sending some on long leave without giving them any reason? (2)will the present transfer block access to critical information to the labour party? (3)will the transfer this time affect the family connection with a particular talk show host? (4)will the transfer in any way affect a sister's position on the labor party's castries central constituency branch? The labour party's statement recognizes the government's authority to transfer the officer whose position does not fall under the labor party controlled trade unions - the tuf! bargaining structure

Anonymous said...

The PM is right. It is within a Government's purview to transfer a public officer of Leonard's rank. The PSC can't stop such transfers and is merely a rubber a stamp in this respect; just as it was during the SLP reign, when PS's like Joe Alexander were transferred. So all this talk about the complicity of the PSC is cow dung. The SLP has a point though about the timing of the transfer. The real issue is the fate of the case against Frederick. If the case is withdrawn then a connection can safely be made between such an otucome and Leonard's transfer.