Friday, July 31, 2009

Gulliver’s travels revisited



Anonymous said...

Rick Wayne, The Champion Lilliputian!

Anonymous said...

I sat in Toronto viewing this episode of Talk with Allen, taking the Jabs, confrontational disregard, and unpolished behavior of Rick. Surely he does not treat PIP in this manner. This is abrasive disregard and unpleasant manner to treat a guest. Any way!!!!!!

Allen tries hard and works very hard. As a CEO he thinks fast and hard, expanding his thinking and imagination into the future, it terms of months and years. Caribbean populist are not adapt to such critical thinking from a business point of view and certainly not politically, the thinking is present and immediate.

Much to the likes of Bro. George (RIP) critical thinking, timing, the urgency to proceed, remain competitive, leadership skills are all steps ahead of the masses. We in this day and age have not learned to envisage beyond the horizon.

I guest, our choice of politician is a factor, moving like a choo - choo train, O what a day.

Simon said...

I always knew that there was something different about Sn.Chantanet, but I didn't know that george Odlum (bless his soul) was his mentor. So in other words he has been in training for public office from a very young age. I give his father much credit.

'Those who have eyes to see, let them see' a man of vision.

Anonymous said...

Chastanet and Odlum are not comparable, in any sence of the word. With one exception, they are politically intuitive.

Anonymous said...

Very interesting story about Odlum and Chastanet and these are the things we need to relate about our citizens instead of the roro that passes for societal conversation in this country. Thank you Mr. Josie !

I disagree with you though on your assessment of Mr. Wayne. I also have some knowledge of Mr. Wayne and have been ambivalent (note the past tense) about his role in St. Lucia over the past 30 years. A few year back I reconciled Mr. Waynes positives with his negatives and determined that he has presented more good to the body politic and to our society than the bad. Much has been due to his mellowing with age and gaining wisdom and I would suggest that you relook at you assessment of him with more objective eyes in the future. I understand/empathize with your perespective but maturity should give you the prism through which to view Mr. Wayne more objectively.