Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Incestuous mediocrity must stop



Anonymous said...

Dear readers, let me quote the writer, Mr. Jacques Compton, so that a little, though important error can be highlighted. Quote:
"Voice must be clear and distinct so that the information being communicated to the audience will not be lost nor be misunderstood." The ante-penultimate word, "nor" should correctly be "or." The utilization of "not be lost nor be misunderstood" constitutes an inadvertent application of the "double-negative," a practice that is severely frowned upon in most languages, including the Queen's English. I would like to ask our dear friend Mr. Michael Gordon, to kindly bring this to Jacques' attention. Also, Mr. Gordon should take the initiative and bring this to the attention of the Voice Editor and proof-reader, who had the responsibility to have picked up the error and expunged it from the text. By the way, I would like to commend Jacques for this very useful article; this is quite good for a change, and certainly is a welcome digression from his usual mindless political babbling, in his demented and irrelevant support of his departed hero, John G.M. Compton. Donna.

Anonymous said...

Jacque, a critic is useless if he/she cannot effect change. Why don't you open a school and teach proper journalism? Until then you are worthless to the development of St.Lucia.
So please stop your whining and do something about it, otherwise people will always see you as a pest.

Zeigy said...

@ Anonymous #1- Even Jacques is making grammatical errors. I guess we're screwed then. :D

@ Anonymous #2 - Well said.

Anonymous said...

If any of you lived in St. Lucia you would know that Jacques has done to assist in the areas addressed in his letter. Also if you were in St Lucia you would know Jacques is not in the best of health and is underdoing treatment for a medical condition. But thank god he has enough strength to criticize constructively.

Anonymous said...

Well I say he is a mean person to use the little strengh he has left only to criticize.

Anonymous said...

How is he being mean? Many who have done nothing for Lucia criticize Lucians. At least he has made his contribution and so he thinks he can can criticize constructively

Anonymous said...

Zeigy, I wonder if Micheal Gordon will tell Jakes about Anonymus Donna's comment, and his staff at De Voice. You know how de mediocirty thing is dese days in Loosha...lol.