Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Igonorentia juris non exusat



Anonymous said...

But Morpheus is Rick Wayne ala Maryanna Williams. Who does not know that. The STAR believes it can fool readers with ALL those fake names and articles. Rick Wayne has lost it. Every day his paper is becoming irrelavant. First he supports flambeau, then he knocks them, then he don't want any other party to challenge flambeau. What a confuse man. And he calls his paper "fair and balance" bringing tooth to blight??? LOL

Anonymous said...

This "mathematics" is why our country is in trouble.

Morpheus said...

Mr. Seon, blind support for that which you know little about is foolish to say the least. By your little missive in the Voice, you have given credence to all that was said by Morpheus - you disputed nothing said by the anonymous writer. By your failure to rebut you tacitly acknowledge all the points made therein. Just because one does not support your warped, unabashed brown-nosing point of view does not mean you have to get personal. Maybe you might want to marry Jesus of Tourism one day, but until you can bring something of substance to the table, thanks for agreeing through silence.

Jack said...

Hey Seon and the Anonymous crowd here - Rick is an equal opportunity basher - something none of you will ever understand with your pea-sized egos. Wrong is wrong no matter who does it - UWP or SLP. Idiots like you just want people to be one thing or another so you can conveniently label them. Sometimes life bowls you a googlie which you either play or allow to hit your stumps. Pay closer attention to life...its passing you by real fast with these opinions. Seon maybe you should have taken up the post of PR man at the Tourist Board since you want to write glowing tributes to the Jesus of Tourism so much. Ooops! That post is already filled by John Emmanuel. Damn!

Peti Mo said...

Seon needs to check these ridiculous numbers again. When was the last time that butt-kisser traveled? Man these figures are fiction. Try paying $200 to get here from New York and see how blue you'll be when Jet Blue ground staff deny you a ticket. Its easy to check the facts - don't regurgitate everything coming out of Chastanet's mouth - its usually doo-doo! Seon, shut up!

Bobo Ganush said...

If this Seon guy keeps writing like that about Allen Chastanet, the Minister will never need to buy toilet paper ever in his life again.

Maypwi said...

The Star irrelevant?X! And you still read it? How irrelevant can it be when you buy or borrow it and then comment on one of it's articles? Look anonymous sometimes if you cannot say anything of worth, its best to keep quiet. You will not look so much like the fool you really are.

me said...

Peti Mo, nice to see there is another Lucian who realizes that these numbers are ridiculous. (2nd anonymous)

lol at Bobo, sad but true.

Anonymous said...

Seon congratulations on you new assignment as the Minister of Tourism ---Serville follower and slavish representative, of his drunken biding. Kindly do us a favor please write intelligently pursuant to which a prescription is desirable.

Anonymous said...

Seon congratulations on you new assignment as the Minister of Tourism ---Serville follower and slavish representative, of his drunken biding. Kindly do us a favor please write intelligently pursuant to which a prescription is desirable.