Thursday, May 13, 2010

St.Lucia needs an Obama



Anonymous said...

It is this blind worship of the most incompetent President in the history of the United States that has gotten us into deeper trouble in in the Western World.

Ms Grants parroting of the stupidity inherent in the liberal bubble of our media and academic world is unfortunate as she holds an important role in the hiraechy of the voice newspaper.

Please do some reading before writing the inane non-selfsustaining rubbish that is destroying our black societies.
The reign of Obama will prove to be the shining light on the incompetence that our societies has worshipped for 50 years as we begin to recognize the truth from the lies , the latter of which he is representative..

Anonymous said...

Here he goes again...

Zeigy said...

You know a man is doing a good job when he can incite such anger in people.

Anonymous said...

it seems st. lucia needs something all the time.
and what is it willing to give in return for someone like president obama?

Anonymous said...

it seems st. lucia needs something all the time.
and what is it willing to give in return for someone like president obama?

Anonymous said...

Thought I would post the article below just to place something in the face of those who have drunk the kool aid. Thee same ones who continue to support the same failed socialist/liberal philosophy that degrades the quality of life of Caribbean people from Guyana to Jamaica. It maybe a futile exersize considering how far gone we are but I refuse to be like the unfortunate ones who had to spend 200 years watching Haiti implode.

Obama's Hackneyed Hypocrisy
Who the hell does Barack Obama, this morally preening, arrogant hypocrite, think he is? His vacuous, demagogic shtick about helping the "people" fight "the powerful" is getting so old from his lips, and already was so hackneyed even before he expropriated it, that it's a miracle that even he himself can say it anymore without getting nauseated by his own oleaginous triteness.
Obama spewed the same old effluvia Monday when introducing Elena Kagan as his nominee for the Supreme Court. Let us count the inanities and dishonesties in his introductory remarks:
"Behind law there are stories -- stories of people's lives as shaped by the law, stories of people's lives as might be changed by the law…" Of course, here he is quoting Kagan herself, but it's still absurd. Of course the law affects people's lives: That's why we have elections to choose legislators to write the laws, and it's why we give trial judges at least a modicum of discretion in meting out sentences when laws are violated. But even that discretion is governed by the laws as laid out by the legislative process. The appeals courts exist to ensure that those laws are applied the same way to every litigant regardless of what their personal stories are, not because of their personal stories.
"During her time in this office, she's repeatedly defended the rights of shareholders and ordinary citizens against unscrupulous corporations." What nonsense. A corporation is a set of shareholders. When a corporation pays a judgment, its shareholders are the ones who pay. When the corporation loses money, it is the shareholders who lose the money. When a lawsuit supposedly on behalf of shareholders is successful, the "payout" gets taken from the corporate accounts, which devalues the stock of, yes, the shareholders themselves. Setting the shareholders against the corporation is asking Peter to fight not Paul, but Peter himself. It's like boxing one's own image in a mirror -- except that when you throw a punch, both the mirror and the puncher get hurt. So too in any match between a corporation and its shareholders: It's nothing more than self-mutilation.

Anonymous said...

In a democracy, powerful interests must not be allowed to drown out the voices of ordinary citizens." This is a truism. Too bad he doesn't abide by it. Barack Obama has spent his whole adult life doing the bidding of powerful interests. At Harvard, that bastion of the powerful elite, he kissed up to enough factions to become president of the law review while actually writing next to nothing. In Chicago, he settled in tony Hyde Park with the help of a highly suspect sweetheart deal on his property, got an adjunct gig at the powerful University of Chicago, cultivated leftist elitists like Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn who sat on wealthy nonprofit boards, and chose the church of the wild and hateful Rev. Jeremiah Wright because it gave him a powerful entrée into the poor black community that he otherwise would lack if he spent all his time in Hyde Park. He himself noted that he didn't really join a church until he appreciated "the power of the African-American religious tradition to spur social change." This all was of a piece with his training as an acolyte of Saul Alinsky, who taught that power is its own justification. In the state legislature, Obama became a creature of powerful party leader and eventual Senate President Emil Jones. As Senator and president, he has consistently sided with the most powerful interests in his party, almost never lifting a finger without the approval of the powerful labor bosses (SEIU President Andy Stern was the first year's most frequent outside visitor to the White House) or of the plaintiffs' attorney lobby. He negotiated in secret with the pharmaceutical lobby; he was the second biggest campaign contribution recipient from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac sources, which helps explain why Fannie and Freddie keep getting more taxpayer loot while Obama's administration cracks down on everyone else. Of course, Obama also is all too cozy with the only major investment bank that made out like a bandit in the past several years, Goldman Sachs. Meanwhile, ordinary citizens were ignored, steamrolled over, insulted, and threatened while Obamacare was passed by hook and crook.
Then again, it is beyond obnoxiousness, especially by means of judges whose powers are designed to be limited, for denizens of Hyde Park and New York's Upper West Side by way of the Harvard dean's office, to even pretend to have special insight into, and power to determine, what is in the best interests of those Kagan called "the despised and disadvantaged." The Obamites are the people who savaged "Joe the Plumber," and this is the president who while campaigning claimed that a preference for limited government was merely the province of those who "get bitter [and] cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."
Barack Obama posing as the representative of the people against the powerful is like Tiger Woods feigning virginity while crusading against promiscuity.

Anonymous said...

Finally on the absurd-o-meter, Obama said that Kagan's confirmation would create "a court that would be more inclusive, more representative, more reflective of us as a people than ever before." Huh? It would mean that every single justice is a product of either Harvard Law or Yale Law. It would mean the last three appointees were undergraduate alumni of Princeton. It would mean that both of Obama's appointees were women who grew up in New York City, as did the only other woman on the court, Ruth Bader Ginsburg. (Two other justices were born in nearby Trenton, New Jersey.) It would mean there is not a single Protestant on the court, only one southerner, and only two who attended undergraduate school away from the Northeastern seaboard.
In truth, none of this should matter: Quality and qualifications are a matter neither of geography nor religion, and bean-counting-identity-politics by arbitrary criteria should be anathema in a republic. But if Obama is going to try to sell Kagan on such flimsy criteria, the least he could do is to choose criteria that aren't so self-evidently untrue. Kagan would make this court not "more reflective of us as a people than ever before," but instead even more reflective of cloistered, supercilious, East Coast academia.
Then again, that's a perfect reflection of Obama's whole political milieu: East Coast academia, married to Chicago-style power politics rampant with rank dishonesty, backed by demagogic nonsense. Here's hoping all good Americans keep clinging to guns and religion, and to our American limited-government traditions, while focusing our antipathies in a way that keeps these dangerous Obamites at bay.

Anonymous said...

why is all of this important?

Because if anyone with a modicum of wisdom really wanted to do anything about the Caribbean they would examine the truth about the charlatan Obama as we are loaded with such as him im politics in the Caribbean.

We would also recognize that our black cultures are considered to be at the bottom of the social and econoimc ladder whether in the USA, Africa or the Caribbean. Not because of lack of talent which we have in abundance but our unwillingness to show prudence in our behaviour, or refusal to honestly examine who we are as a people and where we are going and what philosophy directs our lives.

Are we honestly doing the best with the resourses we have in St. Lucia ? Are we raising our children with the best tools and with any expectations of their being successful in the future ?
Are our civil servants earning their pay ?
Are our Ministerss ? Is the Leader of the Opposition as he ignores functions he is invited to , by the hundreds because he is too arrogant to be labled as LOO instead of PM?

None on thsi board and not Ms. Grant can answer these questions correctly because in our liberal Caribbean/African American bubble we will keep making the wrong choices and staying at the bottom.

We have not even begun to UNDERSTAND the problem or the scope of the problem and what is required to fix it.

Anonymous said...

I thought T Chas was our Obama.

Zeigy said...

Obama played the political game to get into power. Now he can change up the game so others don't have to play the same political games of kissing up to others to do what is right for the country.

I do agree with your last point that we aren't trying hard enough to develop ourselves with the resources we have. We abandon the country for developed nations where we played no part in their civil wars and sacrifices for the prosperity they enjoy today. We can't even pick up a newspaper to read and be politically aware so we know where the country is heading. The people who should be reading these comments are out partying, drinking and talking about where they going to get money to buy rims for their car.

We are still at the bottom.

Anonymous said...

Why do these racist, red-necking Americans hate Obama so much?

De-mystify said...

Grant’s column is aptly named – belly achin’. The key feature of belly achin’ is to whinge and moan about everything, but never offer any concrete, practical solutions to the problems presented!

She sinks further into abysmal fantasy by invoking the name of Obama, someone of whom she knows absolutely nothing (she fails to provide specifics of how exactly Obama “took a stand to make health care for all a priority.”)

The utter lack of thinking and writing skills she foists upon us in this opinion piece surely brought the whacko, Anonymous # 1, spewing forth garbage: Anonymous # 1 complains that “the same failed socialist/liberal philosophy that degrades the quality of life of Caribbean people” and then abruptly contradicts self with this, “Barack Obama has spent his whole adult life doing the bidding of powerful interests.”

Anonymous # 1: Obama is no socialist; no liberal! He is nothing but a wolf in sheep’s clothing – he is a corporatist! His latest indiscretion can be read about here:

Anonymous said...

St Lucia does not need an Obama! What St Lucia needs is a "St Lucian" of its own who is huumble, articulate, speaks his mind, non offending, bright, and willing to part with politics as is currently practice in St Lucia. When we find that person there will be no need to invoke Obama.

IAKM said...

I guess, even as a St. Lucian with of a black father and dougla mother, I would also be included in the ranks of the "racist, red-necking Americans", because I am proudly not in the camp of the Obama Herd.

Ignorance in itself is not a bad thing, it just means that one has not yet had the opportunity to be availed of the truth. However, when the facts of that truth has been made available, but rejected on a foundation not of any knowledge, but rather emotion and a skewed world view, that becomes "idiocy".

Truth that is exposes challenges the integrity of anyone that we love, still remains truth, no matter how it hurts.

All black people throughout the world have waited for such a time when a black man would rise to a place of prominence, as President of the USA. However, to any right thinking black man, it becomes of utmost importance that the one who has risen to that position, has to demonstrate the highest level of integrity. If this is not the case, then, in the eyes of all who resent us, and think that we are not capable of any intellegence or value, we have proven their point of view.

St. Lucians, I urge you to look beyond CNN, MSNBC, CBS and all those other liberal media sources, for the truth about what is happening here in the US-of-A. The things that I hear coming from home leaves me to wonder if anyone at home still has the potential to think for themselves. This is not a musician playing from a piece of sheet music. Stop being a sounding board for the use of people who hate anyone who has achieved what they have not. Enough will never be enough for people like that.

Ever wonder why the people who shout "stop the hate" the loudest, usually speak with the most vile hatred and bitterness? But then again, they have skillfully learned how to make their own hatred look like it's coming from the other side.

People study for yourselves. But if you decide not to, then learn to keep quiet when others who have taken the time to research a topic, opines on it.

De-mystify said...

Anonymous – the last – wrote:
“St. Lucians, I urge you to look beyond CNN, MSNBC, CBS and all those other liberal media sources, for the truth about what is happening here in the US-of-A.”

You’ve made yourself the object lesson of the “loudest” committing the very sin he’s decried. Those sources you cited, what makes them liberal? Indeed, they’re all corporations that have mutilated the truth to make a buck. Come back; try better next time!

Zeigy said...

@ De-mystify - I'm pretty sure IAKM implied in his statement that the liberal media sources he cited should not be taken as gospel.

A point I agree on. We really need to read more. How are we ever to get St. Lucians to see that?

De-mystify said...

Zeigy, you’re right! YOU really need to LEARN to read!

That the sources cited are definitely not reliable is a given!

What I was pointing out was the blatant lie Anonymous tried to sneak in…that the sources were LIBERAL!

Anonymous said...

For the one who slandered with the use of the term "red necked racist" this is the typical responce of the ignorant liberals in the bubble who are busy destroying our Judeao Christian culture. In their dumb limbo their only responce to the truth is slander and maypuis.

In labeling all their drones with the victim label then any logical opposition based on the utter failure of the socialists/liberals whether in London, Toronto or New York is countered with the racist, sexist or homophobic label.

If that does not work then just ignore the facts as Al Gore does of the complete exposure of the liberal climategate fraud he perpetuates all in the name of taking wealth from one set to gives to another led by Gore himself who has become a multi millionaire on climate change while having the largest carbon footprint of any of us.

I agree wholeheartedly with the poster who said Yes what St. Lucia needs is a "St. Lucian" who meets the criteria to make us the great nation that we can become with all the talent with which we are blessed.

Zeigy said...

De-mystify, you need to chill out man. If you really felt so strongly about your own words you would get out and do something about it. But it looks like you're more comfortable just reading and solving everybody else's problems from a keyboard.

Anonymous said...

I remain constant in my learned view that blogger who "sees red" every time he hears or sees Obama's name is a "racist, red-neked American." And you don't have to be white to be a "racist, red-necked" American. Why is it that we never heard a peep from you during the 8 years of George Bush? I believe Obama has done more good in his 18 months in office than G.W Bush has done in 8 years. And I don't expect any racist red-necked American to agree with me on this. So leave me with me my ignorance just as I'm happy to leave you in your narrow, racist, red-necked space. In other words, don't try to change my mind because I ain't trying to change yours.

Anonymous said...

it appears this newspaper is in shortage of good articles and then fillers articles like this one are fit in.

Zeigy said...

And by good articles I'm guessing you mean there aren't enough reports on which celebrity is sleeping with which one or whether Miss Universe's breasts are big enough for competition?

De-mystify said...

Zeigy wrote, “you need to chill out man. If you really felt so strongly about your own words you would get out and do something about it. But it looks like you're more comfortable just reading and solving everybody else's problems from a keyboard”.
Zeigy seems to think that the purpose of a discussion board is to comment on what he thinks or guesses are the points participants make, instead of the written, direct points he refuses to read or understand!
Also, Zeigy wrote, “I'm pretty sure IAKM implied in his statement that the liberal media sources he cited should not be taken as gospel,” when I was actually commenting on what one of the various “Anonymous” had written.
The truth is, the quality of the comment of the last Anonymous, “it appears this newspaper is in shortage of good articles and then fillers articles like this one are fit in”, seems to be from the same mold as Grant’s article: They both are from the type of writer who has to say something, even if he/she does not have something (worthwhile) to say! Incidentally, Zeigy is also cast from this very mold as well.
And what is it with all these participants who all share the same moniker, Anonymous? Is it that we have one writer with multiple personalities, or just numerous participants who are too lazy to pick a distinguishing pseudonym to attach to the drivel they write?