Saturday, May 22, 2010

Teen Shot



Anonymous said...

same areas over and over. Bring in the RSS and jus raid the whole area.

Anonymous said...

burn it down

Anonymous said...

Well it's rather simple to solve the current armed crime problem. Copy the laws of Singapore (also an island and a member of The Commonwealth). Illegal fire arm possession, life in prison. Real drugs traffic, death penalty. Rape and serious offenses, strokes of a bamboo cane on the ass. Murder, death penalty. Singapore a clean, safe and prosperous island.

Anonymous said...

It's time that the police force take better and more serious measures to combat the crime situation on this small island. The poroblem is some of the police officers are part of the problem and so, the country will always be faced with these issues. The head of the police department needs to look down and his job; making sure that everyone is there to help.