Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Sandals Beach Scenario



Anonymous said...

That Tribunal was F.....G paid-off....TRAITORS to your own land. I and most Lucians are pissed-off.

LLL said...

King is like a baby's alimentary canal with a salivating toothless appetite at one end and no responsibility or control at the other.
King is at a losing end in every judicial case so far; I wont be surprised if he does nothing or says nothing to shadow his immaturity.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I believe this tribunal was paid off. How could St Lucians sell our birthrights to foreigners? Just imagine; Coco Palm or whatever it is called, owned by Chastanet, was located in Jamaica, would you believe that ANY Jamaicans would ever ever grant Chastanet private ownership of the beaches surrounding his property?...MADNESS...only in St Lucia.

Why, the reason(s) The Sandals Group cannot be in Barbados, is because the Banjan people would not sell out or sell their beaches to this hotelier.

No doubt, St Lucia is the laughing stock of the entire Caribbean. I could simply hear the Bajans at their dinner tables, laughing at St Lucian's stupidity. Just for a few $$, we are being sold...

To all Foreigners: ST LUCIA FOR SALE, GET YOUR SHARE QUICKLY, 10% DISCOUNT FOR THE FIRST 500 APPLICANTS...boarding for the remainder, and those on the tribunal...SICK!!

Ras Creation said...

"St Lucia where is your will" you make me feel real bad...How can you have strangers seduce you like this and run the train all over you ... over and over (forcibly rape and violate).
If there needs to be a purge, now is the time. How can these four people sell us out like this?

Anonymous said...

Ras Creation, thank you!...they sold our birthrights to this Jamaican hotelier for a few free drinks, a free boarding and lodging and perhaps a few $$.

Where is the cry from the Opposition (a good court case), the civil groups, the chamber of commerce, the churches, the bar association, etc etc...where is the voice of the Prime Minister, Stephenson King, in all this, or is he in too for a few drinks and free boarding...

Anonymous said...

"JAH BEACH IS MINE, I CAN BATHE ANY TIME..." Micah, I want to highly commend you for taking up this mantle, and let me start off straight away and invite YOU, to invite KENNY Anthony, the great Consitutional lawyer, to show some slate, like Martinus Francois, and take up this matter in the Courts. When Sandals fired the 300 workers in December 2006, on the eve of General Elections and Christmas, Prime Minister Kenny Anthony said not "a pecko." He was as quiet as a mouse, because he used to have lunch and dinner with Sandals owner, Butch Stewart. He did not defend the workers. Now he is in opposition; Butch Stewart helped him and the SLP to get there. Butch supported John Compton BIG TIME in the general elections!!! As a Jamaican, I know what I'm talking about. If Kenny ever wants Looshans to have any respect for him again, he must cleanse himself of his sins in not defending the fired Sandals workers in 2006, by taking up this fight for the dignity of the people of Saint Lucia, if he thinks he deserves being PM again in this country. INVITE him Micah, let's see if KENNY has the balls to take on his "friend" Butch, in the interest of the people of Saint Lucia. I am waiting to read your invitation!!! Keep strong Micah. JAH YOUT.

Anonymous said...

It is unbeleivable that crown land has been taken without a ripple. This goverment is an absolute disgrace, when there is no beach left what will they do then start bemoaning the fact and 'its not our fault' ticket. I am appalled. I also feel that St. Lucians allow themsxelves to be todl what to do without any form of protest, wake up and smell the coffee St. Lucians.

Anonymous said...

Kick those stupid Jamaicans out, go back to yard.