Thursday, August 26, 2010

Playing the racial card for political expediency



Anonymous said...

Guyana and Trinidad has rampant racism and we don't want that in the Helen of the West. We have always been one people and politicians must not divide us in the hopes of conquering our votes.
Shame on politics and religion for dividing our people.

Anonymous said...

There has always been the liberal victimhood racist call by those who suffer inferiority complexes or who want to game the system by any means necessary.

The hints and blatent racist comments about Allen are really pathetic and can be read all over the St. Lucian blogs or heard on political platforms.

Black communities all aver the world continue to be at the bottom of the economic and social ladder because instead of dealing with issues their leaders continue to plunder the system with the calls of racism the tool to get as much for nothing.

Anonymous said...

At last a politician has had the courage to state the obvious. St.Lucis has and is divided by race economics and class. Where does the majority of the wealth lie , yes in the hands of white people.There is a danger that if we are not careful those of African origin will be second class citizens in our own country,
How many white people do you see living in Marchand, sending their children to the local school, none!
We in St. Lucia have kidded ourselves that in paradise there is no racism , well wake up smell the cofee "Massa is ready to take over the plantation again". The Massa club have said no more the blacks cant run the show, so we will takeover the Government, and control the food into the country.Chasnet son as PM and his father Daddy Chasnet control our food- that is a recipe for disaster for STlUCIA.

Hulla said...

Pip dont let the comments phase you.
racism does exist and it is at the bottom of the world economic system.
As long as blacks continue to make excuses for their enslavers......hey PIP they love it!!!Leave them in it. time will prove you right.
Anyone with a modecum of understanding of international economics will know that Forbes',Guyanese democratic socialism was viciously attacked by the big money powers and their politics.This same strategy was used successfully in Chile,and it is presently being attempted in Venezuela and China.Fortunately the social cohesion of these nations is strong enough hopefully to weather that.China certainly will.
Hugo in caracas will have to continue eradicating corruption and strenthening his social network.
Pip you are right.

Anonymous said...

Hugo is a madman.