Saturday, September 4, 2010

Antigua buckles under economic pressure



Anonymous said...

When the business sector is allowed to bleed the country in the many innumerable ways they do. Getting in bed for want of a better expression with crooked politicians, engaging in bringing forward to politicians, unscrupulous investors and fraudsters all in the name of investment to the country,ripping off corporate and other taxes to the hilt, circumventing customs, excise and other duties with impunity, engaging in cleaning up dirty money through their businesses, high-jacking the general public paying the minimum of wages, like crumbs falling from their tables to the dogs laying on the floor below, ripping off the public and gouging out their eyes with higher and higher prices going through the roof. Inventing all kinds of tricks like at all cost controlling economic and political power to amass more and more money, as they get closer to their eighty-ninth birthday. Good thing they can't take it in the graves with them. Allow fraudulent operators to reap off St. lucia and St. Lucians selling off the scarce lands available at next to nothing with the Queens chain making up the majority, and reselling to lucians at sky-high prices, piling millions and millions of money earned in St. Lucia in overseas banks, these are but a few of the unscrupulous actions of many business persons in this country, who bring St. lucia down the drain into the arms of the IMF. Don't go looking at Antigua. It has nothing to do with Governments in large part, but much more to do with what I have cited. Many of these business people right here in St. lucia greatly influence public policy which often wreck havoc on countries.And when they may not get their way with a politician at any given point in time, they arbitrarily make staff redundant, without any remorse, to get even with the politician, especially when the time is near elections. I have absolutely no respect for such as these. And these same unscrupulous business persons are the first to cry foul and find all faults with everyone else, pointing fingers when the country's goose is cooked.

As the Calypsonian the Mighty Sparrow once sang---'These same good citizens, tax evaders, country bleeders, are the architects of economic slavery".

It is for this reason we Lucians must insist on legislation governing Campaign financing. And keep those with dirty vested business interest seeking to further strangle our country by assuming political power, all in the name od democracy, out of Lucian politics, for the benefit and wellbeing of the majority of the people of St. lucia.We cannot and will not support undesirable business entities in the bosom of lucian Government. And it is simply because it is not good for the heath, wellbeing and prosperity of our country.And get off that bull-shit, that's this is democracy.If that fake democracy in such a small country with all the signals pointing, will have a stranglehold on sweet Helen,I say you can keep it. I rather define this as Crook-tocracy.

Anonymous said...

When the business sector is allowed to bleed the country in the many innumerable ways they do. Getting in bed for want of a better expression with crooked politicians, engaging in bringing forward to politicians, unscrupulous investors and fraudsters all in the name of investment to the country,ripping off corporate and other taxes to the hilt, circumventing customs, excise and other duties with impunity, engaging in cleaning up dirty money through their businesses, high-jacking the general public paying the minimum of wages, like crumbs falling from their tables to the dogs laying on the floor below, ripping off the public and gouging out their eyes with higher and higher prices going through the roof. Inventing all kinds of tricks like at all cost controlling economic and political power to amass more and more money, as they get closer to their eighty-ninth birthday. Good thing they can't take it in the graves with them. Allow fraudulent operators to reap off St. lucia and St. Lucians selling off the scarce lands available at next to nothing with the Queens chain making up the majority, and reselling to lucians at sky-high prices, piling millions and millions of money earned in St. Lucia in overseas banks, these are but a few of the unscrupulous actions of many business persons in this country, who bring St. lucia down the drain into the arms of the IMF. Don't go looking at Antigua. It has nothing to do with Governments in large part, but much more to do with what I have cited. Many of these business people right here in St. lucia greatly influence public policy which often wreck havoc on countries.And when they may not get their way with a politician at any given point in time, they arbitrarily make staff redundant, without any remorse, to get even with the politician, especially when the time is near elections. I have absolutely no respect for such as these. And these same unscrupulous business persons are the first to cry foul and find all faults with everyone else, pointing fingers when the country's goose is cooked.

As the Calypsonian the Mighty Sparrow once sang---'These same good citizens, tax evaders, country bleeders, are the architects of economic slavery".

It is for this reason we Lucians must insist on legislation governing Campaign financing. And keep those with dirty vested business interest seeking to further strangle our country by assuming political power, all in the name od democracy, out of Lucian politics, for the benefit and wellbeing of the majority of the people of St. lucia.We cannot and will not support undesirable business entities in the bosom of lucian Government. And it is simply because it is not good for the heath, wellbeing and prosperity of our country.And get off that bull-shit, that's this is democracy.If that fake democracy in such a small country with all the signals pointing, will have a stranglehold on sweet Helen,I say you can keep it. I rather define this as Crook-tocracy.

Anonymous said...

Great comment! You took th ewords right out of my mouth. Michael Chastenet has the cheek to write about Antigua, never mind what his own exploits and those of his partners are wreaking on St. Lucia.

Anonymous said...

Even before independence and up until now, the likes of Chastenet have been manipulating the economy to produce a large mass of unskilled workers who slave in dead-end menial jobs for low pay.

Today, the same stooges that allowed the likes of him to leech the economy are prepared to install him as PM if he gains a seat just about anywhere.

Let this be told to all those Uncle Toms and traitors to the vast majority of the people, that the day for the exploitation of the masses has got to come to an end.

The majority of black people were not created for the business clique funding the UWP and the SLP for them to enlarge their coffers and become rich while the masses work and work only to die as paupers.

Exploit the supermarket business, until the people see the light, but leave the politics alone. Enough is enough, my God!

Anonymous said...

Bogger Above, withall due respect, I say damn to Chastanet,exploiting the supermarket business until the people see the light. This shit, pardon the expression, could only have taken place because the wrteches in Government did have the interest of the people at heart, to suggest alternative options that could have been pursued. Why? because they were eating like starving dogs at Chastanet's house and Butch Stewart(Chastanet's friend) hotel.So these wretched politicians like the Kenny Anthony and his puppet or is it puppy, Pierre, allowed. There were other alternatives they could have examined, and save St. lucians that pain. But they could not care one damn at the time.I tell you something, I would not at all be the least bit surprised if Kenny and his pup, Pip Pierre, brought in Chastanet to run for Labour, is just that Chastanet identifies with the UWP more than he ever could with Labour. UWP is supposed to the "class-in-society" party. LOL. This is why I have no respect for Pierre or kenny, we gave them a chance, they screwed up. But I ain't giving the shit-sticks in UWP my vote either. I rather abstain, if I cannot find a good candidate to give it too, or more than likely I will give it to LPM just to show my disdain to the two SALOPWI Parties.

Anonymous said...

LPM the number of people moving from allegiance with the two traditional parties is widening, and growing by the day. You must continue to articulate the critical issues facing the people of this country, and let them understand things, simply, and easily. Keep out the high-falutin words, out. Speak to the people, like you speak to your own friends. Because what we need in St. lucia to move this country forward is to minimize the number of seats to be won by both UWP and SLP. So we have them by their throats, not giving them the power, to shit around with us, the average Lucians any more. That's why, even if, we may not all be completely on board with your party, but I tell you something a heck of alot of us will vote for you if our eyes open, because we have had it with the Kenny leadership, which was a mess, and we are up to our eyeballs with Stephenson king et al. Am I clear? Please take note.