Tuesday, September 7, 2010

One Escaped, One Dead



Anonymous said...

Why is this news? Isn't that the norm at this hotel - convicted criminals escaping at will...

Anonymous said...

I have said POOR MANAGEMENT is the cause of all these escapes at Bordelais.
Hilary Herman and Victoria Alcide are not suitable to run the facility.
From the time Mr. Herman said Victoria Alcide is his eyes, nose, ears, mouth dick and his balls, the discipline at Bordelais started detoriating at a rapid pace.
Prisoners screwing female staff deputy bringing things for Ninja dan etc

Anonymous said...

Crime seems to be on the increase,surely its time sack Mayers. Instead of crime decreasing by 50% it seems to have increased.

Anonymous said...

Crime seems to be on the increase,surely its time sack Mayers. Instead of crime decreasing by 50% it seems to have increased.

Anonymous said...

Any government, anywhere else, but here, would have sacked Mayers a long, long, long time ago - but I beg the question, "who is going to sack Mayers?"...Surely not Stephenson King. I rather suspect Mayers carries more weight than puppet King...very sad!!

Then again, if Mayers had the country's interests at heart, he would have resigned and let some one more capable than him do the job, but his pocket is not lined enough...perhaps, he wants pension too - for good measure!!

Anonymous said...

How could someone, a mere 20 year old (not really a hardened criminal - Y E T), simply walked out of Bordelais?

Where is the 50% reduction in crime the UWP promised? As far as the evidence would indicate, from the moment the UWP came to power, there has been an esclation in all sorts of anti-social behaviour - crimes, shootings, illegal drugs, buglaries...in fact all the ills of society...meanwhile our PM is looking on as a deer caught in a headlight.

The corruptions itself in the UWP government are appalling: Tuxdogate, Tax evaders (robbing the country of much needed revenues), incompetence at the highest legal office (former AG), convicted criminals as government minister (my god, what a joke and a show!!), a thug as a minister siding will all undesirable elements - partying with known criminals and drug peddlers, etc. etc.

So what do we expect from the young ones who are taking their cues from those in high offices...the forementioned ills, these are what the young and deprived are handed down by those in high offices...shame, shame, shame...

Anonymous said...

Its seems obvious now, that the Jenny-Asses and Jack-Asses at the mess which passes for a ministry of home Affairs and internal Security, have recognised how well managed is the Bordelais Correctional facility and how effective is its Director. Way to go guy Mayers, you will certainly win your seat and be back as minister for home Affairs. You and your staff at Bordelais are doing a fantastic job. You idiot.Keep it up.