Thursday, September 9, 2010

Sir John and Mrs Gillard



Anonymous said...

We have to say BRAVO to ex prisoner BRUCE TUCKER for getting rid of compton.

Anonymous said...

What the people of Choiseul did was to send to the august body, the parliament their REPRESENTATIVE.

Unfortunately, for St. Lucia that excon was made foreign minister. Today the entire world knows that St. Lucians like their representatives do not have a moral compass. And ENTIRE cabinet decided to collude to rob the state of taxes in favour of another cabinet member.

The Tuxedo Villa decision by the Appeals Court is making radio talk around the Caribbean. Only decent-minded St. Lucians feel a sense of shame and embarrassment.

Anonymous said...

Maco Toe tuxedo did not get Kenny anywhere. When they compare helenties, helengate, cost over run, roooochasmell, they see same Sh.T just a different day and party.

Anonymous said...

Where did you want Toxedo to take kenny? Some of us worry to much about Kenny, we must be more concerned about the people of St Lucia. Do not try that, it is not the same shit, you bias what you are. there is a very BIG DIFFERENCE between the SLP and the UWP. The SLP was in office for 9 years, we ALL could count the number mistakes they made on one hands, but we all can go around St Lucia and you will see their work, in other words they WORKED and developed the country by leaps and bounds, prove me wrong. The UWP is in office for close to 4 years and NOBODY can even keep track of the number of mistakes they have made, continue to make and they are still making. Can anyone even remember the number of mistakes made by the UWP in just 4 years? Most people will remember the four or five mistakes made by the UWP because that is all they made, but ask them to count the number of mistakes made by the UWP, the list is so long most people will never even remember all. So that BIAS statement about "shame shit, just a different day and party" is only made my shameless people.