Saturday, September 11, 2010




HULLA said...

It is BECAUSE of Alicia's humble beginnings that She deserves the prize all the more.
Alicia stay humble ,and by the word humble I DO NOT MEAN thinking less of yourself,but being humble means listening to the voice of the SUPREME Creator as it speaks inside of you,and guiding yourself accordingly,believe this is an opportunity for you;honestly speaking for the CREATOR DESIRES YOUR CONTINUED SUCCESS.
I hope that I am afforded the opportunity one day to have the pleasure of meeting you face to face,however that is in the hands of the All Powerful Creator.Peace to you and your Mother.

lapiton said...

Where is the Dept of education in St.Lucia? What a shame for the principal and others who allowed such a travesty to take place.Young lady all the best to you and get all the education you can for this is the path out of poverty.

Anonymous said...

"Every year the school gives a prize to the student who gains the best and most outstanding grades at the CXC examinations, but although Alicia topped the school with a total of five distinctions/six ones, she was never recognized. Alicia said she was informed that she would not be getting a prize ‘because of my mother.’
Despite Alicia Jean’s exceptional performance in the face of economic difficulties, another student had apparently been named to receive the award, but when some residents complained, the school decided to choose to leave out that award category

What was the grades of the other student that they were going to give the award to. Is there any other criteria for this award, if the award is for the person with the best results shouldnt that be the only factor when determining it.

The principal and other members of that graduation committee should have to explain what exactly went on here.

Anonymous said...

What a sad story with a beatiful, beautiful ending!!

The pricipal and school needs to explain why Alicia Jean was not given the awards for attaining the most outstanding grades at CXC. What travesty? I did not reaslise we had such mentality in our midst, especially in the year 2010. It is indeed fitting, that Alicia Jean should have been given her well deserved awards so that she would be an example to others in her circumstances. The Ministry of Education needs to investigate this.

Alicia, to you I say, "whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it could achieve". The sky is the limit. Go get it girl!! CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY FOR MAKING THEM SO PROUD OF YOU...

LuciaBoy said...

All I can say is OH MY GOD. That St. Lucian schools are headed by morons and it spells doom for us as a country. If the school refused to honor and recognize such exceptional talent and achievement in the face of tremendous challenges then it's a reflection on the moron that heads the school.

What are we telling our children if you are born in poverty your achievements are null and void.
Shame on you MS/MR. Principal and shame on the staff who refused to take a principled stand when the opportunity presented itself.

Good job CAFRA and NYC for stepping in to negate the harm and wrong meted out to this prime example of what all our kids should aspire to. Greatness no matter what. No excuses

Anonymous said...

BRAVO!!! You're an inspiration to us all

Anonymous said...

I am not a person who usually get emmotional but this article has moved me to almost the brink of tears.

How could we treat our youths like this? Our school representatives who would have had exposure to the subject of socoilogy and our people as our social fabric.

It is absurb to hand such treatment to a young lady who have had such a beginig in life and was capable of shaking off the dust of poverty to achieve such.

Are the management of Choiseul Sec suffering from shock that they could not stop such an outcome since they cannot alter this result. This makes me believe that you all at this school had never graded this poor girl fairly. Slavery and its effects in motion.

Anonymous said...

It would be good to hear the school's side of what happened here. Surely they had to have a reason why she was not recognized.

Perhaps it was something like she was had not paid some school registration fees and hence was not allowed to graduate and not eligible for any prizes.

Most schools may have such a policy that students who still owe money are not allowed to graduate.

This was certainly "mean" in this case to not make an exception given her family circumstances but before we condemn the school it would be good to hear their side of the story.

Anonymous said...

Well done Alicia Jean.
Never do like your mother though.
13 children with no husband present is a no-no situation.