Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Whither Election Campaign Financing?



Anonymous said...

forget about campaign financing, people need to go to sites of the labour party and lpm, read their policy overviews and make a sound choice. Forget about this small foot paths, bridge and gutters. They are indeed essential to the communities but more importantly is inflation, economic growth, employment and crime.

We need to be focused as an electorate in St. Lucia. Vote for colour if you want; who am I to tell you the criteria but rememebr you have five years to face the cold hard facts.


Anonymous said...

When a foreign powers gives money for particular project to an elected government, the associated party or coalition is given a leg up on the next and upcoming elections. That can still given a pass as be described as aid.

If the same foreign power gives money to the individual ministers for use in their constituencies, that clearly and overwhelmingly biases the next election in favour of those ministers.

Because donor behaviour puts all other parties and independent candidates at a decisive disadvantage, this obviously subverts the intentions of the electorate. There is no longer any semblance of a level playing field. This behaviour clearly defines what is called meddling in the internal affairs of a country.

That the South Korean ambassador is guilty of such actions means that for some time now, the South Koreans have been meddling in the internal affairs of St. Lucia.

If the SLP should get into power this time around, I expect that the Koreans will booted out of the country the very next day.

This is total disrespect for the sovereignty of tiny St. Lucia.

Anonymous said...

The same yard-fowls of the respective parties are quick to back-off such an important issue, like campaign financing. Observe the two responses above.

But they are the same ones clucking loudest against Chastanet and the mercantile class, and so forth. But they have not, it appears conviently so, recognise the direct links of what is being planned with respect getting into the full-throttle of politics, and more importantly, being planted in the UWP yard for future Prime minister. the only way this is assured is through money going to the party from the same mercantile class. So don't we need to keep this in check? Certainly. And where there's a will, there's a way.

There are lawyers on both sides of the political divide and that can be done if these guys are serious. It just emphasizes the fact, that SLP and UWP operate exactly the same, and prefer to govern the counrty, with the same status quo, at all levels, because their pockets and their bottoms will full up with money that much faster. They like it so. Whilst the country and its people get worst off. Come on LPM, move on them harder, exposed the rats, mount up the pressure, get the public to see the farce that passes for Kenny and Chastanet. People have had enough of that, for much too long. Enough is enough. Alot of us may well stay home and not vote, whilst many will crack the UWP and SLP's backs, by voting for LPM.The Christian Council can play a part, in terms of monitoring, or what about a Committe established under the Integrity commission Act, by whatever name called. We can do something. They pass lwas in a great hurry when they want to.

Anonymous said...

Looked up the two websites as suggested by the first writer. What a shock I got when I got to the SLP website.

Dem fellas living in the past. There is absolutely nothing there that shows that the SLP during its time in opposition to on board with any seriousness the problems facing the country.

The information under the various headings look like and sound like LECTURE NOTES or notes for a speech.

There is nothing there to buy into. What a disappointment!

In contrast, the LPM shows and points quite clearly what are their intentions and why they are doing certain things. The groups and problems that they intend to address are clearly defined.

The LPM website and proposals sound almost like a dialogue. They are surely RESULTS AND SOLUTIONS ORIENTED.

Like they say, the difference is like chalk and cheese.

Are some of these LPM fellas going to give up their US jobs in time to spread their message?

Why is the SLP information so vague? It sounds like a manifesto of empty promises, as if the party is just going through the motions of putting something out there.

Anyway, looks like dem LPM fellas are READY to solve some real basic problems!

I like their education, business training and budget ideas especially.