Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Caribbean countries must install their own survival policies


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just had the opportunity to read this article which is very valid in saying that we must see what is good for us and our society and further (I say) we need to throw out the old formulas from our failed political and academic class and move forward with our own proven formulas.

One example is the push in the US with their diplomatic pressure and policies to push their transgender, lesbian and homosexual liberal social policies on other countries inclusive of gay marriage. This is when we know that the greatest destructive for our black families is the breakdown of family life and absence of the father in the family. The socialist/liberal/progressive/Marxist policies of the Americans is keeping the African American in mental servitude so as to keep corrupt politicians in power yet we want to follow in lock stp with then irrespective of the effect on our society. Wake up St. Lucia because as this writer says we better look to our solutions and not the failed policies of the past 40 years.