Thursday, December 16, 2010

Hurricane Feature: Spotlighting NEMO



Anonymous said...

Micah kindly step up the level of writing and reporting.Also get the name right, it's Julian Dubois.

NEMO and others are bottle neckers, its been a month and a half and no factual and economic impact reporting is available for national discussion,consultation, and recommendation.

The PM addess was that of a fifth grade essay. Not a clue on the way forward, only electionaring with committes and units in the ministry of finance, in the name of development.

Is a report available in relation to Hurricane Tomas Disaster Relief from overseas missions and consulates,that are assigned to the Prime Minister's office,and NEMO respectively, as per special instructions ..Just a question?

Anonymous said...

Micah, what occurred in the wake of Hurricane Tomas had very little to do with people not taking the warning seriously. The question is, were the people of Fond St Jacques, where the disaster was worse, warned that that area would be swallowed by mud? Was it a known fact that the land there was not good for people to build houses on? Only after the hurricane was it deemed a kind of ground zero. If these people knew first hand that there was a possibility their houses would sink under the mud, I am sure they would have moved. The thing is, this hurricane came with much more water than wind so the residents did not expect a disaster of that nature. Perhaps it is time for the authorities to really take a serious look at where people build houses and I am not talking about people occupying crown lands. I am talking about land that have been reclaimed and the governments in their greed allow people to build houses and charge them for the land. Case in point, some areas at Sarrot/Cendre de Feux. Too many people live on land that is just not good for residential occupancy (the patois term, "terre avortay"). Here is an idea for your column. Or are you afraid of losing your job for exposing the inadequacies of our lousy so called leaders? Come on Micah give our government something more to brood about about and stop sugar coating the issues. The bottom line is the politicians of Saint Lucia do not give a fig about the welfare of the masses.It's only after crisis they appear to hop from one foot to the next and pretend to care only to score votes and secure their pockets full of cash. It had to take hurricane Tomas for them to tell the truth about Fond St Jacques...I'd hate to believe that nobody knew first hand that the land would sink! Who told the people "the land will sink, so you have to move?" These people have been living on sinking sand for decades and nobody explained that to them. Another thing, eight people confirmed dead and some missing can only mean all are dead. If they are not found by now then they are dead! Where else could they be?