Saturday, December 11, 2010

Thanks Tomas…..but……



Anonymous said...

Why don't you write like Sir Ronald Sanders? Of course, your writings, and analysis of events cannot be compared with and to that of Sir Sanders.

Sir Sanders makes sense. You, on the other hand is a complete waste of time; bleating off week after painful week...PETER JOSIE; GO AWAY.

Where were and all your ideas when you were a government minister?

I do not understand why the voice continue to give you an avenue to bleat; when it is so obvious no one needs to hear you. Surely, the voice could do well with the pittance given you for your weekly mouth's diarrhea.

boyblue said...

I must commend you on this article Peter Josie as it highlights the basic impact of Hurricane Tomas damage to fair Helen.

It is thought provoking and suggest the government and civil leaders need to rethink the development plan for the country to avoid or limit the overall damages the country endure in the future from hurricanes which is inevitable.

Anonymous said...

Peter Josie you will not get STABEX funds now as you did after hurricane Allen.
so even if you cry poor jab for you

Anonymous said...

In the past I have strongly disagreed with Mr. Josie on many issues and up to today I only grudgingly give him his due when he writes something sensible.

The reason is that Mr. Josie has no governing principles and jumps from support for the ridiculous to support for the sensible. He sometimes even supports that which is clear and logical but for the wrong reasons. It is important therefore to assess everything he writes because tomorrow he could let you down or pleasantly surprise you with a few good words or ideas.

Mr. Josie is unfortunately a particular type of liberal/progressive/socialist whose base views reflect this unsustainable destructive philosophy ravaging the Western world and any number of 3 world countries. History has gone past him just like most of our intellectual and educated class in the Caribbean. A new day is dawning.

Having said that I now quite look forward to his ramblings because occasionally from out of the fog comes a few truths that are worth reading. I maybe wrong because the full weight of the misdirection of most of his ideas may be so destructive that the few gems are lost in the translation but considering the overwhelming level of brainwashing that we receive from the CNNs , Hollywood and Americas main stream media then even Mr. Josie’s mis-directions are lost in the tsunami.

Anonymous said...

Usual bleat. Which government is he talking about? The Ali Baba gang? Almost every week that man gives more and more evidence that he lives in a cave somewhere or that he is growing senile. The crap keeps on flowing in acceptable English of course.

Anonymous said...

Sir Sanders is a farce.