Saturday, September 10, 2011

Addiction to power remains the downfall of politicians



Anonymous said...

Kenny is very addicted to power too.

Anonymous said...

AND so is monopoly power in the sheet metal and supermarket chain?

How about that!

Anonymous said...

I agree above. The nerves of these people and the Chastanets!!

God put a hand if Allen Chastanet ever become PM of St Lucia. Then, we will see what misery is!!

If you think the prices on their shelves are high, wait until, God forbid, this man Chastanet ever become PM!!

Son-of-man said...

Individuals who have been deceived as to the reality of the true nature of the Manuel Noriega, August Pinochet, Ferdiand Marcos, Saddam, Qadafi and Mubarak of the World are obvious victims of the well-orchestrated propaganda of the so-called “Super-powers”. These dictators are simply puppets of the sinister capitalist and communist who supply them with the capital, weapons and intelligence needed to oppress their populations, at the price of uninhibited access to the people’s natural resources or international UN support as is the situation with Taiwan and Saint Lucia.

The US props up many of these despotic regimes around the world. They are “good”
Despots as long they do the bidding of England, France, US, Rome – That is the reason Mike you remain ignorant to the likes of PAUL BIYA of Cameroon who has been in power since 1983, and is known by the more enlightened as a thug responsible for the jailing of journalist, arbitrary arrests, unlawful detentions and restrictions on the rights to freedom of expression, association and assembly. Never heard of him Mike? I think you know the answer.

Thirty-two years ago, OBIANG NGUEMA deposed – and then executed -- his uncle, Francisco Macías, in a bloody coup. He has been called “Africa's worst dictator.”
After offshore oil was discovered, the first wave of revenues—about $700 million—was transferred into secret accounts under Obiang's personal control. Never heard of him Mike? I think you know the answer.

KARIMOV, reputed for boiling his opponents to death, has been president of Uzbekistan and a partner of the US since 1990, when he won the first of a number of rigged elections by a huge margin. Torture, arbitrary detentions and massive roundups of religious minorities are commonplace in Uzbekistan. Never heard of him Mike? I think you know the answer.

Try to possess more substance in your articles if you desire to inform people.
"I'll tell thee more of this another time:
But fish not, with this melancholy bait,
For this fool gudgeon, this opinion." Shakespeare

Anonymous said...

Blogger # 1 it goes against commonsense and reality not to include persons like Frederick and Rufus to that list.