Saturday, September 24, 2011

Convenient To Whom Or For What?



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Boy, O boy, O boy, O my, God help us, what is really wrong with Josie. You mean to tell me Josie want us to believe that Frederick is going through his woes because people are jealous of him? Josie must to speak for himself, because he can only know if he is envios of Frederick and nobody else. Somebody who don't know St Lucia, readng this crap will believe we are so backwards, Frederick is the only one who ever built a house in the country. If you travel from north to south there are so many big houses owned by ordinary people in this country. What in a house anyway to be envious of a person for, you build it today you die and leave it tomorrow?

These hipocrites want blame everybody but Frederick for the lost of his visas. Frederick blamed a few people himself, becuae he is saint in the matter and the U S authority just do not like his head although he helped boosted their economy by purchasing properties in their country. Now Josie is blaming everybody in the country. My question is how comes everybody else is guilty and none of them lost their visa, only Frederick lost his? Dooes that make sense to you? What an unlucky man, i this was the same Frederick who always profess to be blessed on his can i help you radio show? What happened to these blessings?