Saturday, September 17, 2011

Equal Time, Equal Consideration



Anonymous said...

Brovo!!! I hope Rick Wayne and the STAR is listerning.

I have for a long time respected the VOICE. I agree that no party is too big or two small to print their views in your paper.


Anonymous said...

It is clear that at least on political issues relative to the two parties that the Voice has indeed stayed impartial and reported the news.

You do stray on ideological issues opting to go with the failed liberal policies that have destroyed and are destroying the Judeo Christian ethic of the western world. The consequences for our African Caribbean and African American people have been horrendeous.

Unfortunately you have simple been hijacked by the liberal message.

But keep up the good work. 150 years + and going strong !

Anonymous said...

Thank God we have a forum to speak objectively about important matters. Thank God the Voice is giving us an opportunity to voice our concerns.BRAVO the Voice!