Thursday, September 22, 2011

No Change Planned For Labour’s Slate Of Candidates



Anonymous said...

This is the best kept secret in our party.

I"ve always felt that the party cannot win with Stanley Felix,Emma,Ubaldus, Pep, Austina, Harracksingh and Dalson.

Why are we attempting to fool ourselves? It's not to late to do the right thing for the hard working and supporting people of Labour.

Anonymous said...

We know they cannot win with some of these candidates and yes they are talking about changes not just in Cap butv eerywhere.

The problem is Kenny and his hatred of Sarah.

Anonymous said...

ST. LUCIA's elections will be a farce. With what is going on now in St. Lucia, we ought not to be having elections. All the wreteches putting themselves up for elections are seriously tainted with dishonesty and corruption and God knows what else. They are greedy and hungry for money and are doing anything.

To heal St. Lucia right now, we need St. Lucian men and women of proven record of competence and integrity as a care taker government. Then after that healing process we call elections.

Let the Christian Council, the National Youth Council and if agreed by these two entities, the Chamber of Commerce although we have little respect for them, be responsible for the selection of the persons for the caretaker government who are competent and have a record of integrity. Otherwise, the country will continue to decay.

Six of one, and half a dozen of the other.

Iouana Lao said...

such hog wash coming from those who cannot bring themselves to admit that there ill-fated experiment with the bunch of corrupt self seekers that characterises the UWP has failed and it is more than time for a change back to honest, hardworking and visionary, although not perfect,government.

the present political nightmare has been the most expensive political experiment ever.

Iouana Lao said...

So time to wake up from this nightmare and stop pretending that both are the same when you know that you're just being dishonest to your sorry little selves.

oh its now so convenient to hold on to Rick's newly discovered thesis of the lesser of two evils - little pr tRICK to suggest to us that since it there is little or no difference we may well stick with Steve his bunch.

that may be in Rick's vested interest but it surely is not in the interest of this little island-nation.

Anonymous said...

#1 you mentioned some of SLP candidates that in your opinion cannot win, but you forgot to mention the better candidates that the UWP has to go up against them. I only mention UWP because they are the only party who can win atlest one seat apart from the SLP, that is a fact. You even mentioned Dalson who won Soufriere, how he cannot win again? You think the people of Soufriere are so stupid, will vote for Chastanet just because he is white. What has he done for Soufriere in his 5 yrs as minister of tourism, with Soufriere being the mega of tourism? Let us take a critical look at the people you mentioned.
(1) Standley Felix, he is a lawyer, born in Castries among his people, how he cannot win when he is going up against a known criminal with so much baggage. I do not have to explain the part about his criminality, we all know it.
(2) Emma, if you are really interested in this country developement, you would need somebody as serious as Emma to do it. Can you tell me what progressive policy has Spider brought in or can bring in for the last 5 yrs?
(3) Dr Ubaldus a man that is a qualified in economics going up against a confused King who barely went to school, it is a shame to even speak about King, let alone he being our PM. Nuff said.
(4) Dr Pep is going up against another known criminal who stole form his own government. Only in St Lucia people like him will be still going up for elections, what a shame and a disgrace.
(5) Austina has the best chance of making history in St Lucia, by winning the Micoud seat for the first time for the SLP. I will tell you why, the UWP votes will be split in two. Never believe Janine do not still have support. Think of that deeply.
(6) Harracksingh is very popular in Micoud South, she went up once as an independent, she got enough votes to split the votes to enable SLP to win the seat for the 1st time in history. Her votes and the SLP combined were more than that of the UWP. So how she cannot win against a gor gor like Ass in James. Think deeply about that.

I have not seen substance in any of the UWP candidates. If you see any tell it to us. Most of the UWP candidates for example the so called PM etc, is not academically qualified to get a good job anywhere, and is in St Lucia they would be political candidates. What a shame.

Anonymous said...

Continue to delude yourselfs with the notion that qualification alone is enough to make a candidate win an election.

Anonymous said...

There is indeed a growing concern that St. Lucia will be faced with this government in power for another wasted 5 years.
Aside from the millions being spread by the Taiwanese the government just borrowwed another $100 million+. the situation on the ground is that we will sell our souls for a dollar having lost our values.
Steve will not call elections until Feb or March so as to let the money spread around a little more.

Something has to give.

NUFF,SLP LOVE. said...




Anonymous said...

Our biggest prblem in the country is coming from under King and back to Kenny.

From the the fire and into the frying pan. Nothing eh go change. St Lucia needs change not lateral move.

Anonymous said...

Word now is that at a meeting last night the UWP Cabinet members gave King the ultimatum that he had to get rid of Fredericks or they would all resign. Let us see what happens.

The other rumour is that the US Government had their eyes on not just Fredericks but TWO other Cabinet members. If they had their way one of them would not have been travelling to the US this week.

Anonymous said...

Ya ya ya yardie yardie yardkie
directly from the the SLP rumour mill...
What next, Kenny was not effective as a leader? Isn't this what wikki leaks said?

Anonymous said...

6:44 am, it seem you are only interested in wining of election it does not matter what callibre of people who win. I suppose you would be very pleased if that substandard gang of UWP win again, although everybody can see the state they have the country today. Talking about qualification, I cannot believe in this day and age, somebody who has to have some level of education can talk against qualification of candidates for wining elections. Ofcourse qualification is VERY important, we are in the 21th centry, in a technological world and age. We cannot have people who did not prepare themselves academically leading any country. That is glaring right in our eyes in St Lucia, with the mess these semi literate gang have us in today.

12:59 pm, you are so wrong our biggest problem in St Lucia today was to allowed ourselves to be fooled and vote out Kenny and the SLP. Who was developing the country by leaps and bonds St Lucia was already being the envy of the caribbean for the 1st time in it history. We even had Bajans finding work in St Lucia in construction. Kenny kept the county very clean with the STEP programe. We voted SLP out and took the country back to the mess we were acustom to, with a gang of worthless, corrupt, incompetent, mostly uneducated gang, we like it so.