Thursday, September 1, 2011

The ways of Democracy



Anonymous said...

Well all I can say is that you pointed out alot but played it safe!!! We in St.Lucia are prisoners of the government. If one stands up to high-light what is wrong -look out a hit man will finish you or your business will have problems.It is very unfortunate that we have a chamber of commerce-chamber of commess! these guys have not for once said anything about the way this government is wasting and stealing the peoples money.They know full well what is going on but are afraid to talk about it here on the island but outside they vomit all the corruption of this government. We need a revolution here in this country-I do not mean blood shed but a revolution for persons to be able to speak their mind on issues with out being harmed physically or otherwise.

Kensley peter Charlemagne said...

"Political education, social enlightenment and people empowerment are non-negotiable pre-conditions, if democracy is to work". Well said.

How do we meet these objectives? Surely we cannot expect that it will be done through our educational institution which are controlled by the 'government' that we speak of. The people whom we hope to enlighten hardly read the paper except it be that they are looking for a job and acedemia has failed us; they are the same one's working on behalf of government. How? I cannot do it alone.

Anonymous said...

Peter, you seem to be totally ignoring a very significant corrosive element of the make up of this society. Since the emergence of this cabal and kleptocracy called by its supporters, a government, the prevailing and rippling effect of electing crooks, idiats, morons, drug barons, morally-depraved and reprobates have all contributed to anything goes behaviour. How can you build a democracy where power is abused by the elected so much so, that every numbskull considers himself as having a right to get a piece of the action?

Anonymous said...

The people we elect are not from mars; they are our friends, neighbours, relatives, etc., from right here in St.Lucia; so if they turn out to be crooks, idiots, morons, drug-barons,etc., etc.; then, that must tell us something about ourselves.

Anonymous said...

The people we elect are not from mars; they are our friends, neighbours, relatives, etc., from right here in St.Lucia; so if they turn out to be crooks, idiots, morons, drug-barons,etc., etc.; then, that must tell us something about ourselves.

September 3, 2011 4:50 AM

There you have it. The quintessential recipe for a failed state. Somalia, Haiti, Zimbabwe here we come!

The first opportunity I get I running from this hell hole.