Saturday, November 26, 2011

UWP Versus SLP!




My Fellow St. Lucians:

It is interesting to observe that Dr. Kenny Anthony is still being used as a scapegoat for all the woes that plague the current Government of St. Lucia. If my memory serves me correctly, St. Lucians voted for the Stephenson King Administration in 2006 because they thought that the SLP administration mismanaged tax payer’s money. Okay,….almost five years later why are we discussing these same old issues? St. Lucians spoke loudly and clearly in 2006 when they voted the SLP Administration out of office.

Are we afraid to speak the truth about the current failed Stephenson King Administration? Are we too embarrassed as a nation to discuss openly and honestly the ineptitude of this current administration? Could it be that our pride is preventing us from admitting that we failed as a people, as a nation when we selected the UWP administration over the SLP Administration? Let me state emphatically …..WE FAILED AS A PROGRESSIVE PEOPLE AND NATION when we elected the Stephenson King Government. We failed our children and grandchildren when we voted this corrupt administration into office.

Please let us not get carried away and fool ourselves… this election is not about Dr. Kenny Anthony. This is about voting a corrupt government out of office. We need to send a strong message to this current administration and all future administrations in this country:

As law abiding citizens, we have ZERO tolerance for corruption and lawlessness among those who serve us.

For love of country we need to be brave and do the right thing….we need to do what is in the BEST INTEREST OF OUR COUNTRY and future generations. We need to vote this government out of office. Yes, I said it, the UWP has failed to provide us with effective representation and good governance therefore must be VOTED OUT OF OFFICE!

Finally, for those who continue to speak tirelessly about Dr. Kenny Anthony, please spare us……tell us something new and stop sounding like a broken record.

There is something called Double jeopardy:

Double jeopardy is a procedural defense that forbids a defendant from being tried again on the same, or similar charges following a legitimate acquittal or conviction.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The time has come to give these false issues the burial they deserve. The time has come to rally around Dr. Kenny Anthony and recognize him for what he is:

The one person best equipped to lead the St. Lucia Labour Party back into Power

Anonymous said...

well lets hope that in recognising the need for trade schools, whichever govt that gets in have the foresight to recognise that they also need to train teachers in engineeering, home economic ect... to teach those programmes effectivey. they also need to identify appropriate institutions to match students with for internship and training opportunities.also what areas of the island would benefit most, what ratio of male to female. how can students from disadvantaged communities access these trade schools? what will be the costs? who bears the brunt of it? all these concerns should be part of a feasibility study to ensure that there is the best outcome for those ideas. its not about simply constructing buildings called trade schools that will sit empty in the coming years and failing to meet the needs of Saint Lucian citizens just like some of the few secondary schools that now have too few students and inadequately trained teachers for the technical and vocational curriculum especially.