Saturday, November 26, 2011

Why Saint Lucians Should Not Re-elect the UWP



LLL said...

In as much as you have analyzed and only now concluded that prediction; that has been my take from day one. What took you so long to be realistic?

Welcome to my dream world!


My Fellow St. Lucians:

It is interesting to observe that Dr. Kenny Anthony is still being used as a scapegoat for all the woes that plague the current Government of St. Lucia. If my memory serves me correctly, St. Lucians voted for the Stephenson King Administration in 2006 because they thought that the SLP administration mismanaged tax payer’s money. Okay,….almost five years later why are we discussing these same old issues? St. Lucians spoke loudly and clearly in 2006 when they voted the SLP Administration out of office.

Are we afraid to speak the truth about the current failed Stephenson King Administration? Are we too embarrassed as a nation to discuss openly and honestly the ineptitude of this current administration? Could it be that our pride is preventing us from admitting that we failed as a people, as a nation when we selected the UWP administration over the SLP Administration? Let me state emphatically …..WE FAILED AS A PROGRESSIVE PEOPLE AND NATION when we elected the Stephenson King Government. We failed our children and grandchildren when we voted this corrupt administration into office.

Please let us not get carried away and fool ourselves… this election is not about Dr. Kenny Anthony. This is about voting a corrupt government out of office. We need to send a strong message to this current administration and all future administrations in this country:

As law abiding citizens, we have ZERO tolerance for corruption and lawlessness among those who serve us.

For love of country we need to be brave and do the right thing….we need to do what is in the BEST INTEREST OF OUR COUNTRY and future generations. We need to vote this government out of office. Yes, I said it, the UWP has failed to provide us with effective representation and good governance therefore must be VOTED OUT OF OFFICE!

Finally, for those who continue to speak tirelessly about Dr. Kenny Anthony, please spare us……tell us something new and stop sounding like a broken record.

There is something called Double jeopardy:

Double jeopardy is a procedural defense that forbids a defendant from being tried again on the same, or similar charges following a legitimate acquittal or conviction.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The time has come to give these false issues the burial they deserve. The time has come to rally around Dr. Kenny Anthony and recognize him for what he is:

The one person best equipped to lead the St. Lucia Labour Party back into Power

Anonymous said...

Why? Because we need to get rid of the curse of John Compton. We must stop paying for his sins.

Anonymous said...

Andrew, what you seem to have forgotten to mention, that bogus Manifesto of the UWP for the last elections of 2006 was Ausbert D'Auvergne's machinations. He was solely responsible for that MAKE-BELIEF Pipe in the Sky Dream as he did with the first Compton budget following the 2006 elections.

We know Ausbert is a FAKE. An idiot. That's why every one of his business ventures failed. He is a fraud, pretending to be and to know what he does not. Not a bright or intelligent person at all.

He continued to dupe John Compton, and now Kenny Anthony has been duped by him, just as what Compton said during the United Nations Commission of Inquiry, that he [John Compton] was duped.

Neither he nor Kenny Anthony are respected outside of Saint Lucia. Six of one, and half a dozen of the other. They will be going down together, like Kenny Anthony and Too-Jour-Sou did in 2006.

Anonymous said...

Andrew, what about these scandals?

The Helenair New-York Building Scandal.
The NCA Scandal
The Helenair Scandal
The Roachmael Scandal
The Road Works Cost Overruns Scandalfor which some people who worked at the Ministry of Communications and Works should have been put in Jail.
The Grenberg Scandal.

Ausbert D'Auvergne now has enough stuff on Kenny Anthony, as did Too-Jour-Sous that is why Kenny is now teaming up with them.

Anonymous said...

Every major undertaking in St.Lucia in the past 40 years was carried out under a UWP administration.

Kenny's (SLP) two terms in office gave us a couple of hotels and a playing field accompanied by major scandals.

So, why should Saint Lucians re-elect the SLP?

Anonymous said...

It John Compton a few weeks in office to load three scoundrels into his government and on the backs of St. Lucians. Why give these slimeballs and jailbirds more time to do more harm to descent St. Lucians. Only rotten, evil, lying, cheating and dishonest political prostitutes vote for other lowlifes like themselves.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Kenny Anthony is bad news for Saint Lucia. Imagine having the nerve to bring in a foreigner like Ass-to-Fan to insult Saint Lucians and to tell them a thing or two, as if we need anyone to come from anywhere, to tell us what we must do, or what we need to be told. Can you imagine? Keeny Anthony's description in the Star Newspapaer, written by Michael Walker, is a great description of exactly how Kenny Anthony thinks and acts.

Kenny ANTHONY is still living in a dream, because from whence he came, he never expected to be where he is today.

Anonymous said...

This is precisely why the LABOUR PARTY WILL LOSE this election. Kenny has properly got into the psyche of his supporters how to hurl INSULTS at persons with a different opinion from them.

Imagine an SLP supporter on this blog calling someone who expressed his/her view. i.e. Why should St. Lucians elect the SLP back in Office' AN ASSHOLE?

That is sad, at this final hour for the SLP'S.

Anonymous said...

UWPs have absolutely NO SHAME MY GOD!

Where the hell was John Compton born? In St. Lucia or in St. Vincent?

Yet that foreigner paraded another foreigner George Mallet to rule over St. Lucia.

Your foreigner is good. But kenny's foreigner is bad? Bastards!

UWP are real shameless SOBs!

The take a geebiay la jorl and make him foreign minister. A live and kicking JAILBIRD.

Then they have a tax evading Cabinet as candidates for election. Tax evaders are cheats. Why elect a cheat unless you are one yourself? Bastards!

Anonymous said...

WOW! Those UWP supporters really have the guts...It is so sad that some St. Lucians still like to live like slaves. But hey if they like it i love it. I mean its ok; not every one will be a Labourite, but for Christ sake pepople on here are claiming that the Kenny Administration did absolutely nothing for this country? R u f#$#% kidding me? That is pathetic.... En Rouge

Anonymous said...

It was former Soviet Union foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze who said, "But eradicating corruption is not enough to sustain a country.
Corruption has its own motivations, and one has to thoroughly study that phenomenon and eliminate the foundations that allow corruption to exist."
The question is, shall we find a leader that is thus astute?

Every government that comes into power in Saint Lucia promises to hold the hands of the people and lead them across the street, but when they reach the other side of the street they refuse to let go of these hands. Still we are bent on voting for the same old liars and self-serving hypocrites. When will we wake up?
Will we continue to place power in the hands of fools and create our own demise? We are in Hell I say , yet we simply refuse to realize it.
Same old game different rules. Change we need but who is willing to bell that cat?

Anonymous said...

The writer of this piece is a crack head the day of writing he did not get his fix.Hope you eat all the remainder of the burn chicken and drink all the white rum left.

Anonymous said...

slp and uwp lucians jumpin out of the fryin pan 2 fall in 2 the fire how long wll this last for the past 30 yrs and more slp and uwp next 5yrs comin again the same old song uwp and slp again corrupt leaders leadin the blind

Anonymous said...

How long will this state of affairs last? When we become civilized and abolish the two party system!

Anonymous said...

Today is a very sad day for my people.All drunks and crack heads went out to vote when the good people of St.Lucia stayed away oh well I'll be voting for Obama again.