Saturday, August 11, 2012

An Apology…and A Lesson


Anonymous said...

Be proud, and read more about St. Lucia @

Anonymous said...

Josie, thanks for the apology and while you're at it, please apologise to the St. Lucian people for the many scandals during the UWP administration.

jeff daniel said...

yes true love is never to say sorry but better explain love it's humans ultimate happiness that don't that mean spoiling each other and both uwp and slp have apologies this nations

jeff daniel said...

love some people don't understand it they can't well explain what it is this what they know just is sex and good times and women one one to give u trouble if don't get sex and good times it part of love sometime their love is one sided but men blame this bad habits they develop after men give them what anything they want for sex now that get used

Anonymous said...

The Voice is indeed seeing its darkest days under this Victor Marquis Editor. Here is a man who, because of my political views, refuses to leave my blog comments alone for the information of the masses, yet he would allow an illiterate like Daniels above to write on this Voice blog such unintelligible CRAP. When will Mr. Michael Gordon say goodbye to this incompetent and biased Victor Marquis? Sir Garnet and Mr. Huntley must be turning in their graves.

Anonymous said...

Josie you should begin by apologizing to the merchants and citizens of Castries for "Ply-wood City," The Banana Reclaimation Fund and the many scandals you and Bro George concorted during your years in the light. Let St. Lucia and St. Lucians be...we don't need you theories.

Anonymous said...

Peter. Thank you for the apology.
The ill mannered narcissist Kenny does not understand these levels of decency.

A badly brought up individual.

Anonymous said...

Kenny Anthony's credibility is now seriously wounded. He and his wife participated in the plot to neutralise Richard Frederick by engaging their contact at the US Embassy in Barbados (a woman involved in an affair with his goon (George Deterville) to cancel Richard’s Fredericks’ Visas. Why: because Richard Frederick was the most vociferous and fearless of all parliamentarians of the United Workers Party and a pin in Kenny’s rib cage.

Kenny Anthony‘s tongue is as vile as his mind. His intellect is twisted by his love of destructive allegations and slander.

He authored many a rumour against Richard Frederick and Stephenson King and those unfortunate enough to be the object of his hatred. Kenny Anthony is not who you think he is. He is a selfish dictator, poisoned by the love of self aggrandizement and thirsty for power.

He will do ANYTHING for power and was prepared to completely destroy Richard Frederick by bearing false rumours to the Embassy; anything to be in charge of others including witchcraft, vote manipulation and people destruction through slander! How many of the other leaders of CAICOM would stoop so low – none except only Kenny Anthony!!

Anonymous said...

Above, the Great United States of America, its embassies and staffs DO NOT participate in "hearsay" or "second hand information" as you claimed. They rely on FACTS. Do you seriously think Kenny Anthony's opinions and viewpoints about someone, anyone, would have any or the slightest impact on the workings of the US embassy in Barbados or elsewhere? If you do think so, then...sorry to say, you are a fool.

Unlike us here in St Lucia who wallows in hearsay, innuendos, half truths, slander, maypwis, mud slinging, etc...the Americans wallows in FACTS, nothing else (unless that wallowing would serve them, THE AMERICANS - nobody else or any other country, a purpose).

Anonymous said...

Above, thank you. It just annoys me when I hear people bring up the argument that individuals went to the embassy and talked badly about Frederick which is why he lost his visa. Really?

Anonymous said...

Josie i truly believe u hv lost it and your obsession with kenny will not stop untill u pass>Thats a real shame for you,Anyway i wish u well>thas not the josie i adored in earlier years,lol

Anonymous said...

What I find VERY INTERESTING is Richard Frederick's LOUD SILENCE on this matter of his US visa. When last did Richard say one word on the matter? And here we have stupid SOB f...g FOOLS, shouting for Frederick, when he himself has lost his tongue. AWA-WEE. Sometimes I shame to be a Lucian.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous August 17, 2012 3:31 PM,
August 15, 2012 9:36 PM and August 15, 2012 4:15 AM

You are all a bunch of fools, ignorant to how the US lawenforcment and intelligence agencies work, Just stay tune and you shall see!