Saturday, August 4, 2012

Are we producing podium material?


Anonymous said...

You must be joking??
What % of GDP is invested in Sports.Yet, the PM, the Governor General, the min of Sports are at the Olympics cheering for our country.

WHAT A JOKE. Taking the people for a ride.

Anonymous said...

"Excellence is not a one-time act, it is a habit."

Trading Views Reader said...

Dear Abetta Country, your article is very interesting and timely. It raises very serious and pertinent issues for wider discussion especially as these issues can be couched in the context of the Olympics,a good time for those ideas to be put on the table. We know government has invested only a drop in the bucket where sports is concerned and we are not as committed as other countries to achieving and investing for the highest results. We must be mindful that pursuing excellence is not only about the money although that is crucial to access the best of facilities and coaching for athletes but our people have to know how to overcome the odds as well. This has to be taught and understood as a matter of priority.

Anonymous said...

blogger NO.1 The former government should have put something in place because they knew olympics was this year. You all are so bias. Quick to blame Kenny and his other Ministers. Raise Funds for them the time you are taking to bite your flappers.

armchair anonymous said...

TO the above "anonymous" ... why should the "former government should have put something in place ..." Athletics (sports) should be in on every school curriculum WITH the relevant teachers/coaches - and not "because they knew olympics was this year". "Raise funds"? for what? For who?

It is HIGH TIME that our educational and sporting departments take a good, long, hard look at sports and its "rich" achievements!! "Rich" in every way imaginable (and I do not mean monetary). Jamaica is a very good Caribbean example of how sports play a big part in their country's economy. This says a lot about the country. (Thankfully, it seems that their gun/gang violence is taking a back seat)

As for the PM, our Governor General, and other St Lucian "sport" illuminaries visiting London for the olympics - I sincerely hope that what they witness will leave an indelible mark on their activities to commit them to assist in raising the bar of sports in St Lucia.

From what I have seen and known, sports in St Lucia is seen as a hobby, and not as a profession or business. It is also seen as a "way out" for some "wayward children", e.g., football. ALL sporting activities should be made available to ALL schools - of course with the trained coaches/teachers: from football to sailing!!