Friday, November 29, 2013

A Conversation with Raymond ‘Clib’ Charles…in New York


Son-of-man said...



Why do you insist on reassuring Lucians of the degree of your Delusions of Grandeur and Psychosis? Your program is well on its way to “attracting the largest audience of thinking, educated Lucians”? Juke-Bois should have you confined to La Toc.

The irony and deceitful nature of this bogus claim is immediately established by the self-evident mark of the Mis-educated idiot that you are, regurgitating the words of your Slave Masters who you perceive as the most beautiful people in Creation – the “WHITE” WOMAN Helen, a “La-jah-bles” given to you as the standard of beauty, while you call the beautiful Chocolate Skinned Lucian, “Darker and Uglier” -

Helen of the West? You are one very SICK Negro-acolyte-Slave and then your directing Lucians to Celebrate the day your Naked Caucasian God was born, the so-called Christmas day - the day of the Pagan celebration of Saturnalia imported into your religion of White Supremacy In the 4th century CE.,

I hope Juke Bois can have you and the other Megalomaniac, the weightlifter, arrested for Majee-Noir.


Anonymous said...

This 'son of a crazy man' should either double his dosage, stop smoking the weed or change his medication.
A psychiatrist might also be of some value though he should be black or 'son of a crazy man' might blow a gasket.

Anonymous said...

yes Peter,its time to retire and stop writing your bedtime stories.
good night.

Anonymous said...

I thought I asked that son of a bi..h man to smoke all the crack he can find and write a book.pls I'm begging you to stop blogging bro.

Son-of-man said...


I have attempted to make you aware of the coupling of Politics and Religion by the trained acolytes of the Slave Master. Here we observe another agent telling you that you are God's sons and daughters – who earns a living working for Chastanet at minimum wage, while your father/God owns the billions of planets in our local Milky-way Galaxy filled with Gold and Silver – created in the image of God. Here's the meaning of Image:
a physical likeness or representation of a person, animal, or thing, photographed, painted, sculptured, or otherwise made visible.
an optical counterpart or appearance of an object, as is produced by reflection from a mirror, refraction by a lens, or the passage of luminous rays through a small aperture and their reception on a surface.

God is a White man with pale skin and blond hair, thin lips and thin nostrils. You're of golden complexion, with nappy hair. But you look like God? Your testicles are bigger than God's, I've seen God's penis and testicles, I just showed it to you in the link I provided. This “IMAGE OF GOD” was installed by the Roman Emperor Constantine at the Council of Nicea 325AD.

Who is this God that the Negro-acolyte-slave of White Supremacy Josie, is so impatient to celebrate his birthday by way of intoxicants?

A picture of the real God in this link:

OPTICAL said...

Judas u have respect?
boy go and ask brother George 4 his pardon 4 all the back-stabbing u have done 2 him.

Son-of-man said...

When Constantine introduced the image of God, the Serapis Image there was a Black African named Arius - pronounced in Lucia: 'Are-re-yous' - who was aware of the falsehood in such doctrine. As this demonic teachings took hold, Are-Re-yous began to openly denounce the worship of the God created by Ptolemy the first, Serapis.

Arius stated that God never had a son and that this fabrication was the work of Satan himself. As the people begun to agree with, and to follow Arius, the Roman Emperor became terrified, and this was the reason the first Ecumenical Council was ordered by Emperor Constantine. The meeting started on June 19, of 325AD and lasted for about two weeks.

Arius was an African who knew that this new teachings, that God had a baby had never before been the teachings of the Church and was an invented LIE against God. That is the reason the second part of “The Nicaean Creed” reads as follows:

2. And those who say
1. "there once was when he was not", and "before he was begotten he was not", and that
2. he came to be from things that were not, or from another hypostasis [Gr. hypostaseos] or substance [Gr. ousias, Lat. substantia], affirming that the Son of God is subject to change or alteration these the catholic and apostolic church anathematises.

anathematises means they will put a curse on you and your children/ yo kai modee-wu

Son-of-man said...


The celebration of Easter was also established at the Council of Nicea 325AD, almost 325 years after the Romans killed God and buried him under some big rocks, so god could “Pay his Debt” LOL, to Satan or himself, you mad people should know, because that is the reason you practice cannibalism; eating his flesh, and drinking his blood, so you will be raised from the dead. What part of his body you enjoy eating the most, you cannibal? The head, hair, scalp, ears, nose, nails, teeth, La-poe Koshon, boo-den Koshon, heart, kidneys, liver, brain, mucus, zor-where koshon, lolo, fes koshon??

Easter/Estore, is an Old Pagan Fertility Cult that has been practiced for thousands of years in Europe. The old pagans would have sexual orgies with very young girls ages 3, 4, 5, 6, and up, where they would send the children into the fields in search of Eggs and there they would be Raped by men as a ritual to the goddess Easter/Estore – this is the symbolic meaning of the Easter Bunny and Easter Eggs. I have heard of “Pin-kawet” from Sir. OPTICAL, and Viagra, but nothing is more promiscuous or prolific than the rabbit – it will have sex all day and night; this is the reason the “Jam-mets” are euphemistically referred to as the Playboy Bunny, having similar attributes of the rabbit/Easter Bunny.

The celebration of Easter when first incorporated into Christianity was timed on the Jewish Lunar Calender, but the Lunar Calendar differs from the Solar Calendar by approximately eleven days and did not synchronize with the Spring Equinox which is the foundation of Fertility worshiping by pagans/Christians as the resurrection of the Earth's vegetation after the death of Winter. The day and time when God came back to life from the dead, after being killed by the Romans , so-called Easter, and the holiest day of Christiandom. was SET at the Council of Nicaean 325AD.


Son-of-man said...



The ball of confusion continued out of control because of the Sound Arguments put forth by Arius even after the first and second part of the Nicaean Creed (325AD) was invented, People knew that this Christianity was a bogus doctrine: To ensure you understand, look how many times they had to tell you what Begotten means.

1. We believe in one God the Father all powerful, maker of all things both seen and unseen. And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the only-begotten begotten from the Father, that is from the substance [Gr. ousias, Lat. substantia] of the Father, God from God, light from light, true God from true God, begotten [Gr. gennethenta, Lat. natum] not made [Gr. poethenta, Lat. factum], Consubstantial [Gr. homoousion, Lat. unius substantiae (quod Graeci dicunt homousion)] with the Father, through whom all things came to be, both those in heaven and those in earth; for us humans and for our salvation he came down and became incarnate, became human, suffered and rose up on the third day, went up into the heavens, is coming to judge the living and the dead. And in the holy Spirit.

The man known as Emperor Constantine The Great, stepped in and commanded the Roman Church to implement the image of Serapis as the image of the Son of God. The reason you see the phrase, “Begotten not made”, is because Arius' exposing the fabricated Lie by telling the people that this Serapis God was an image formed and MADE by the hands of man to honor Ptolemy I Soter the first. The Emperor Constantine ordered all the writings of Arius to be Burnt, and condemning Arius into Exile and the image of Serapis Christus became Jesus Christ. Here's a frame of reference an image of Serapis:

here's a message from your White God:


Anonymous said...

The first Statue of the god Serapis son of God


OPTICAL said...

Son of man!!!

I am and will never b call "SIR"

SIR is 4 bullers/ niggers/house azzzz mopers/ those who are born from bomm/ low-down infertile pedophiles.

Son-of-man said...


Dear Dr. Optical,

Please find it within your good self to forgive my shortsightedness when I referred to you with the derogatory title “SIR”. I admit my total lack of consideration with my associating your good name with reprobates like Sir John Hawkins, Sir Francis Drake, Sir George H. W. Bush, Sir Benito Mussolini and the deviant Sir John Compton.

It was not my intension to convict you by associating your good name with such an iniquitous band of mutants, but was the result of the confinement of this Slave Master's Language that caused me to call you by a name associated with Pirates and Murderers.

I simply wanted to credit you for instructing me about the name of the turtle penis, Pin-Kawet. Thanks again, hoping you would accept my apology and since I am aware of the many medical prescriptions you have dispensed to people like Jeff, you will accept my attempt at showing you the respect you deserve and addressing you as a Doctor of Natural Science in Herbal Medication.

Your brother and son of Adam

Malcolm L'Overture said...

What are you bleating on about Peter Josie? You were one of the original founders of New Labour together with the late George Odlum. Have you forgotten about the struggles and the bloody nose you two politicians took under the Compton regime?I was in St Lucia at the time when you two took to the streets to protest against the brutality and injustice that prevailed under the UWP administration.

You and all should know about the treatment that was meted out to the lucian populace back in 1979. You were there and experienced first-hand what transpired back then. Some people do have short memories or should I assume that your memory is vapour.

Your characterisation of the labour party is way off the mark. You left the party that made you a household name in St Lucia for your own personal reasons from what I have been told - yet you claim that the party was invaded by jokers and imposters. Who are these imposters that you are refering to here sir? I think the readers of your column have a right to know who they are. Don't you think?

The labour party gave you an opportunity and a platform to represent. They were there for you throughout the struggles - something you must remember.I have always admired the stance you took by not following the cocky George Odlum who was instrumental in breaking up the party just because Sir Allan Louisy would not resign and make him prime minister.

When the three featherbrained left (John and George Odlum, Mickey Pilgrim) it was you who was left to pick up the pieces. There was exactly 9 MPs left to form the government and I can recall you telling the then prime minister Winston Cenac to stay put and not resign. How times have changed. Well I never.You have forgotten too quickly sir.. Now you among the very capitalists you were lambasting. What a hypocrite you are turning out to be.You certainly have shown your true colours sir. You have indeed.

Malcolm L'Overture
Lucian Haitian

Malcolm L'Overture said...

Son of man or Akram the Magii - Will you elaborate on the Arab enslavement of black Africans? Your name calling will get you nowhere- What you are alluding to here in your riposte is exactly what the Arabs are doing to blacks in the Arabworld - yet you are shouting your top off like you care.

The Arab religion that you are following have brutalised , raped and murdered millions of poor and defenseless blacks in the name of their religion - something you will not admit to.

You talk about Majee noir- maybe you are one. You keep using this word throughout. Why haven't you been caught yet doing majee noir? Then the lucian public will know who you are.You have a penchant for dark stuff it seems.

This dunderhead is obsess with colour and majee noir. What has colour got to do with it? We are all one people under the sun.

If you are a true muslim then you ought to know that all religions are about harmony, compassion and love for your fellow man. Isn't that what Islam preaches? Only that the darker you are in Islam the more you will be frown upon. Arab do not like black Africans.Look at how they are treating the Ethiopians and other East Africans at the moment in Saudi Arabia. The very things that you are having a go at Peter Josie for is the very things that your religion loves. They adore Western culture and the blond figure. They go out of their way to make themselves look white.

So you need to keep your gob shut mate and stop ranting on and being a hypocrite- You are a poisonous two faced hypocrite. Yes you are.Go read about Arab enslavement of blacks and how they forced their religion on Africa. Stop being a brainless twit.
At least we in the Caribbean where you come from are in charge of our respective countries and destinies.The Arabs are still treating the blacks in their part of the world as slaves.The real reprobates are these libidinous,peevish,irascible and cantankerous Arabs. Blacks have no right in the Arab world.
I can name you at least 3 men who fought to abolish slavery in our part of the world - You cannot name me one Arab who did or is trying to put an end to slavery. None whatsoever.

Malcolm L'Overture
Haitian Lucian

Son-of-man said...


Malcolm, it is always good to read your rants:

let me get right to the point: The Arabs are notorious Racist. They begun enslaving Sub-Saharan Blacks in the 700s AD, enslaving some 13,000,000 blacks over a period of thirteen centuries.

The sad part of this historical fact is they are today still Racist and sick like yourself, loving White folk and hating themselves and anything that reminds them of their own Blackness. Today even as this is being written the Saudi Arabians are engaged in the harsh expulsion of Black Ethiopians from Saudi, and so is Israel.

Just look at the manner the Black Africans were murdered after the murder of Khadaffi by the pale-skinned Arabs of Libya, North Africa.

You see Malcolm I am able to differentiate truth from falsehood, unlike the England-Slum-Dwelling Negro Haitian that you are.

You are hurt that I reject the worship of your Naked White God, even as the pale skinned people of the Dominican Republic Murder and Lynch your Black Haitian people.

Malcolm I understand how my annihilation of your white God has driven you insane - Die in your Rage!


Anonymous said...

Now we note that Barbados are on the verge of laying off 3,000 public servants.
The socialist/liberal mendicancy and victimhood policies in the Caribbean and the USA since the 1960s are coming home to roost.
St Lucia, suffering under over a decade of Kenny/Phillip incompetence and $2 billion in debt will soon have to lay off hundreds if not thousands. They are hoping more liberal borrowing through PetroCaribe will cover their lack of leadership.

The die is cast. The breakdown of Christian values at the fiscal and social and moral levels has gutted St Lucia. We are producing drug addled youth with no discernable skills from a poor educational system and no family structures.

Unemployment will climb to 35% and the EC $ will be devalued.Neither the socialist SLP or liberal UWP can save us.

We are a liberal society and lost all our values and led by a liberal useless elite. Conservatism is long dead.

Son-of-man said...



“My Radio Program is well on its way to attracting the largest listening audience of thinking, educated Saint Lucians”. Disparaging words of Peter Josie

Aren't you Lucians tired of being urinated upon by this most Ignorant, Arrogant, and Mis-educated Negro who feeds you a weekly deleterious dosage of INSULTS? I keep telling you intelligent readers of this Newspaper of Record, Especially my friend, Tom-Tom, that the worshipping of a Caucasian man as your God interferes with your ability to arrive at logical conclusions, while I encourage you to demand the Sexist and Racist Naked White God be taken away from Books and places of worship.

You should learn to listen for “The Second Conversation”; that which is "said" but not spoken. If I said, “This is for men!”, such a statement carries more meaning than the spoken word in “The Second Conversation”. It also SAID: Not for Women, Not for Girls, Not for Children, etc.; this is the Second Conversation.

Who are these “Non-Thinking” and “Uneducated” people that this cur named Josie is referring to? It is you and me. Those of us who prefer to speak keywol or listen to the beautiful dialogues of Louisca and the audience of Juke Bois' “Dee, Mwen Dee-wu” - so there's your Double Agent, this self-hating, Double-talking Negro-cur; the same one who called you “Black and Uglier”, who claimed to have saved you from starving to Death, and is today telling you “how DUMB and STUPID” you are.


Malcolm L'Overture said...

Akram; It's been a while now since I last read your drivel which is always laced with incoherent jabberwocky. Your poisonous propaganda is punctuated with a load of balderdash and jabberwocky.If anyone is sick and needs immediate medical attention it is you - Not having heard from you in a while I thought you were in the care of the good doctor at La Toc- forgot his name now.

The Arabs were enslaving Africans a thousand years before the Europeans got involved in the Transatlantic Slave Trade. Among the Europeans they were noted abolitionists who fought against the slave trade, but, truthfully speaking, the same cannot be said of the Arabs; I have never heard of it!

The brief Islamic history that you outlined in your riposte may have been googled by you. It looks like something that you may have hastily prepared.

I DO NOT have a religion sir. Like I have always said my religion is to do good. To help my fellow man and woman is my religion.

At Least in my native Haiti we fought off the invaders who tried to keep us in captivity. We took on the British and sent them packing, We did the same to the Spanish and then we eventually overcame the French to declare our lovely isle which was once refered to as the 'Pearl of the Antilles' a republic. We created our own language as we wanted to have what was ours.
Haiti has it's own religion call it whatever you want to but it is authentically Haitian and Caribbean.Unlike you and the millions of followers who follow a religion that is not yours. Islam belongs to the Arabs and I have heard Arabs say it many a times.

Louis Farrakhan once told a group of Arabs off for saying this. No wander he had to create his own 'Nation Of Islam.'

Quaddafi helped forment a lot of coups in other parts of Africa. He was very much an opportunist who committed atrocities against the African people. There were so many I don't have neither the time nor the space on here elaborate further.

I have been living in Europe from a portable age and I have met with my fair share of racism from the Europeans. I know my place in this society as a blackman from the Caribbean. That is why I have not given up on my two lovely isles namely Haiti and St Lucia. My mum being Lucian and dad Haitian. My angel parents who gave so much to me.

You are so pent up about past injustices that has nothing to do with you. Why don't you let go fellar? I use to be so anti- white at one time, but I have learnt to let go and accept the world for what it is. Neither you nor me can change the world.Like my dad would say 'we find it like it is we will go and leave it like it is' so well put together by my dad.

You are indignant with rage.You are beginning to lose the plot mate. Yes you are.Anger gets us nowhere sir.Your poisonous flames will do nothing to enlighten anyone. If anything it will create a resentment strong enough to justify retaliation from among the very people that you are purporting to speak out for. Careful it does not boil over.
You keep throwing the words Majee Noir and Lah-jah- bless about in many of your insolent retorts. Are you into this dark stuff? If you are then be very careful that you don't get caught cause if you do you will be a goner-- All hell will break lose like they say back home in the splendid isles.
It's good to note that you were finally able to acknowledge the painful and brutal facts about Arab enslavement of the blackman- Only grudgingly after the facts were put to you. Why do you carry this Arab name that you have? You are telling others off for wanting to emulate Europeans yet you possess a moniker which emanated from a people who raped, brutalised, killed and almost wiped out our black folks in Africa.Two words springs to mind Genocide and pillage.Why do you worship with them? At least in Haiti we have our own, call it whatever you want but its own own and the distasteful Arabs cannot dictate to us nor can the Europeans. We do it ourselves.

Malcolm L'Overture
Haitian - Lucian




SON OF MAN DON'T give what is holy 2 DOGS.

Son-of-man said...


@ Sambo 8:12AM

Here's another dumb White man with the pseudonym Malcolm L'Ouverture, attempting to defend this Slave Master's Religion of White Supremacy making the statement, Why do I have to talk about God is a White man, all religions teach about love. His words are,
“This dunderhead is obsess with colour and majee noir. What has colour got to do with it?”

What does Color have to do with It? You dumb minion of Lucifer ! it's all about the Slave Master's Religion Of White Supremacy and praying to Dead white people, imposed upon enslaved Africans. I ask you since it's not about Color, WHY IS GOD ALWAYS A WHITE/CAUCASIAN MALE?

In Islam God has no Color, but is the Creator of Colors, nor is God a Black or White man nor Ghost. While Islam has its foundation in the Arabian Peninsular, the House called the Ka'aba was erected by the Great Prophet Ibraheem/Abraham. Islam is far from being an Arab religion, Indonesia is the largest Muslim Country in the World with a 300,000,000 Muslims, and India has a Muslim population of over 275,000,000 yes two hundred and seventy-five million Muslims, Saudi Arabia does not even make the top ten. Keep fighting for your Slave Master's Religion of White supremacy while regurgitating "what difference does color make", then ask the Great Malcolm X, why he took on the name Malik Shabbazz? you dumb Idiot.


Anonymous said...

Malcolm it is always refreshing to read your comments thanks for the history about Josie and especially about those Arabs strange people

Anonymous said...

All of these jackasses up there make me laugh. Each one of their gods is a fiction of their imagination.

Neither of them has ever seen their god. Just like in the original Greek mythological stories, borrowed by a lot of the cultists, gods remain invisible. This is moreso now that we have scientific means of detecting even some spiritual activity and phenomena.

Funny thing that. You have an omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent gods, who stoop so low to get ignorant merchants and carpenters to do what they can SUPPOSEDLY do, by a mere snap of their fingers with all that OMNIPOWER.

Yet, they bring untold misery to populations of believers and unbelievers with slavery, with disease, war, and continuous hardship.

Yet, with all this omnipower that they supposedly have, they allowed the Devil to evolve as a rival to them to torment humans.

These gods must chuckle whenever people perish, go to war, struggle with famine, and enslave others for generations. After all the whole, entire universe is supposedly, their creation and a creature of their thought. After all they can see both the beginning and the end, and supposedly have the power to change things if they want to. What do you think?

Anonymous said...

All of these jackasses up there make me laugh. Each one of their gods is a fiction of their imagination.

Neither of them has ever seen their god. Just like in the original Greek mythological stories, borrowed by a lot of the cultists, gods remain invisible. This is moreso now that we have scientific means of detecting even some spiritual activity and phenomena.

Funny thing that. You have an omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent gods, who stoop so low to get ignorant merchants and carpenters to do what they can SUPPOSEDLY do, by a mere snap of their fingers with all that OMNIPOWER.

Yet, they bring untold misery to populations of believers and unbelievers with slavery, with disease, war, and continuous hardship.

Yet, with all this omnipower that they supposedly have, they allowed the Devil to evolve as a rival to them to torment humans.

These gods must chuckle whenever people perish, go to war, struggle with famine, and enslave others for generations. After all the whole, entire universe is supposedly, their creation and a creature of their thought. After all they can see both the beginning and the end, and supposedly have the power to change things if they want to. What do you think?

Anonymous said...

lots of crap in the ariticle and blogs.