Friday, November 29, 2013



Anonymous said...

Was an apology to Mr. Chastenet really necessary? If his article was placed on the incorrect page couldn't a personal explanation to him by the Editor suffice. Was it really necessary to print an apology in the paper? Even if Mr. Chastenet was paying for the space, it still go way above board to print an apology to him. What is happening in St. Lucia now? I would really like to know.

Anonymous said...

Are you aware that the SLP attacked Chastenet for an article he didn't write.
By the way,did you understand what the apology was for?
Let me help you understand.The article was written by Oswald Augustin,but the voice editor printed it with Chastenet's name as the writer.The SLP attacked Michael Chastenet thinking he was the author of the article.The editor made an error and had to apologise via the same medium the error was made.
By the way,since when being a business man prohibits you from commenting on bad policies of a government?