Saturday, August 28, 2010

Who Really Pays?



Anonymous said...

There are so many avenues and ways that CDF could make their own monies. It is quite obvious that CDF has no marketing resources, no proper financial resources, and not enough qualified human resource personnel to carry their event to event operations effectively. They really should take a page from the St Lucia Tourist Board and/or the St Lucia Hotel and Tourism Association, who host quite a few events to bring in money to keep them afloat. Although these entities complain that they do not make enough, at least they have the HR and marketing skills to pull their events through. Come on CDF, wake up and smell the coffee ...

Anonymous said...

Who wrote this nonsense above? Either that person is ill informed or just trying to be mischievous. Can that person mention some of those events that bring money to the tourism board? How can the CDF organize other events when they do not have even have money to pay for the events they organize? How can somebody in their right mind compare the CDF to the tourist board. The tourist board is run directly by the minister of tourism, who receive the biggest slice of the island budget. The events which the tourist board organize is not primarily to raise funds for it as an organization, but for the country as a whole and to promote tourism for the country. The CDF is a governmental department, not a private company and the workers are civil servants, so they cannot go about raising funds for the government, if they do the funds will not go to them, but should go to treasury. Before we write we must try to be educated.

Anonymous said...

It is really sad to see this current state and then we ask ourselves "why has the quality of music dropped this year?" If one is not sufficiently or efficiently compensating for his art, do we expect one to spend exorbitants sums of money on getting the best writers, producers and choreographers to do that job? HELL NO