Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Pedestrianization of William Peter Blv’d


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whilst I am all for the pedestrinization of William Peter Boulevard there are a few additional underlying issues which needs addressing, including:
. Consultation with all stakeholders including mainstream users;
. public awareness of adapting to sustainable living;
. Strategic public realms which responds positively to not just WPB but also its extends;
In my view the existing WPB lends more to congestion rather than serve as a release. The removal of public parking within WPB could rather serve as a catalyst for the use of the Castries Carpark as intended.
Alternative transport modes other the private car should be encouraged, hence the reason for awareness of behavioural and lifestyle change patterns. Unobstructed freezones should be distinctly demarcated for use by emergency personell and delivery vehicles. However, in so doing the regeneration of Castries, specifically the pedestrianization of WPB must not seek to replicate that of a "ghost town" and therefore the set-up of a Strategic Planning Framework fostering continued consultation with all relevant parties is key.