Friday, November 5, 2010

Seven Confirmed Dead as Saint Lucia Rebuilds



Anonymous said...

Nice to see the island is starting to get back on its feet.

Anonymous said...

80 friggin' words for a lede? come on, Micah!!! Is that your definition of journalism??

Anonymous said...

I fully agree with the above blog. Micah's writing turns me off too. There are many cheap DIY books on communication and journalism that could guide his art of writing or communication. But where is the flipping Voice editor to prevent Micah from literally littering
the pages of the Voice with such garbage?

Anonymous said...

One would think that this disaster would have turned people's minds to more important matters than a run-on sentence. Yes?

Anonymous said...

I do not believe that the island is ready to receive tourists yet. Surely the local people's need for an adequate water supply is more important than tourists. I realise that St.Lucia needs the money that tourism brings, but the water problems need to be resolved.

It is disgraceful that the BBC and other British news channels do not publicise the devastation that has hit St.Lucia.

St. Lucians should be proud of the way they are coping with such a disaster.

Anonymous said...

Voice is really late in reporting news.

Anonymous said...

DO NOT CALL THE NAME OF THE LORD IN VAIN: I hope Lucians take that hurricane Tomas matter seriously, coming just on the heels of all the exaggerated invocation of God's name by Minister Richard Frederick. Suddenly, the same Richard who gets so angry with anybody who doesn't support him politically, who is known to have brandished his firearm several times, and was even severely admonished by a Judge for shooting the young Joseph fella in his hand, the same Richard Frederick who was involved in the Robby Skeete affair, and whose BEST FRIEND "JJ" now owns the place identified and invested in by poor Robby Skeete, the same Richard Frederick who got Prime Minister Stephenson King to release his cars from Customs, even while the alleged tax evasion was still under investigation, the same Richard who it is believed ordered PM king to remove the Comptroller of Customs from his job (or else!!!) thereby promoting an end to the Customs tax evasion investigation, while all Lucians MUST pay their taxes, the same Richard Frederick who has become a very wealthy man, allegedly Saint Lucia's RICHEST LAWYER, in the defense of drug barons and their mules and cronies, who as we know survive and thrive by selling drugs to our children, and as we know drug barons also murder people every day in their trade, the same Richard Frederick, who has already tried to create the impression that Stanley Felix, his SLP opponent, is a thief, just because the man is the candidate who will run against him the next elections, the same Richard Frederick, a member of the Cabinet of ministers that tried to protect Keith Mondesir from the investigations and the punishment of the Customs Comptroller for Mondesir's blatant tax evasion, THAT SAME RICHARD FREDERICK is here bawling GOD, GOD, GOD, GOD, all of a sudden???? Lucians don't you see the hypocrisy and the GAME that Richard is playing, PISSING in our eyes and calling it rain? Lucians, Hurricane Tomas was a punishment. WE CANNOT EVER, EVER FOOL GOD!!! Pwend garde.