Long live the SLP God's chosen ppl to lead St Lucia forward.They will win the upcoming elections. Brother Kenny "Moses" Anthony will lead our ppl on to the promised land. Just remember my predictions on 19/11/2011.
Now all you UWP apologists, sympathizers, hacks and opportunists you can start your usual rantings with y'all foul mouths,sweaty faces/smelly armpits, foaming mouths and bad breath!
When labour re-instate the Universal Health Care (UHC) that UWP removed then you will all get the opportunity to get dental surgery free!
Some of us can remember everything that happened about 15 years ago, but do not care to try to remember what is happening now right under our nose. Kenny gave away money, Kenny gave away money, let us compare, Kenny was trying to bring some investment in the country, in the form of a hotel, so that we people would have found work, the investment went bad, I think it was about 45 million. Some how he still got a hotel built, which is very suceessful today.
Now we have the UWP who gave away 60 million to one of their friends for an old building, which is used to housed vagrants, rats and stay dogs etc. In 5 yrs the UWP has borrowed over ONE BILLION DOLLARS and nobody can see what they have done with money. So do not try to remind us of things that happened more than a decade ago and try to make us forget what is happening now.
#1 I want you to show me or us one leader around the world who did not makes mistakes. I am not talking about UWP because they makes only mistakes and no work to show, only some minor Ti cannals. I wander what we were paying these UWPs Ministers for 5 yrs for, because everything that was done in the country was done by the Taiwanese?
5:46 PM your Dove was a UWP all his life he was economic advisor, he was PS, he was Minister he never had a job creation plan all of a sudden you and him an produce one. I wish the two of you good luck.
My Lucian people, Let's use our two pound Electro Chemical call the brain and think, Think of the future of the country the next five years, How about our children's future. Should you trust your future and the future of your children into the hands of the Stevenson King Goverment for another Five years. Can he bring meaningfull Representation to st lucia with other intelligent Caribbean leaders as well as international leaders. Think This through This world has change and is now an Educational feild with men who operate like Foxes. St Lucians living in different parts of the worlg are looking and are listening, we are not please with the representation by this goverment and what they have done to our beautifull island. If mr king cannot controll his cabinet officers can he lead St Lucia It is My hope that the people of st lucia along with overseas lucian will come together and remove those culprit out of office just as tortola voted the current goverment out of offiice and bring in the opposition. We need to start planning now or else if we faied to plan, we better plan to failed. And we cannot afford to send little children to do adult jobs, It seems and sound like the slp has a good plan for the future of our country and that there are qualified persons in the party who are able to articulate a message to take st lucia from the abyss created by the united Wreckers of The Poor, May god help us all.
"THIS" HAS GOT TO BE OUR MANDATE THIS is a contract of faith. THIS will get Saint Lucia out of the sunken hole that this UWP regime has put us in. THIS will restore our confidence in the region. THIS will inspire the will to work for our country. THIS will give us hope in the future for ourselves and children. THIS is our only chance to breathe clean, fresh air. Thank you LABOUR!!! Thank you...thank you...thank you!
The St. Lucia Labour Party made a huge political mistake when they let Kenny run again as political leader and kept Mario out of the leadership position.
They lost their soul when the leadership of that party attacked Sarah Flood Beaubrun and alienated with her the very value system we needed to keep St. Lucia on the right path. Had you both Sarah and Mario running you would have won in a landslide. Actually in alienating Sarah you lost the best hope for St. Lucia to get out of the present mess. Courageous, principled and a worker.
Imagine you have allowed yourselves 5 more years in the wilderness because the like of Skeete,claudius, Leo Clarke, Walcott, the crazy lawyer from Cap, etc wanted to keep their links with Kenny and the chance to make a monee.
Kenny has brought you to your knees.
The only hope the SLP have is that they lose 9 -8 and not 10-7 or 12-5.
Lets face reality and leave party aside, Lets be frank and don't be in self denial, The United workers party under john Compton is not the same, Because What king has allowed compton would not have allowed,Now we have to look at their record the last four and half years, Has they made life easy or difficult for all st lucians, who have beniffited. Now also Look at our Image around the caribbean and the international world, Till finally the US has revoked for the first time in the history of st lucia a seating Minister. Has they been good stewards of our Economy with Accountability and Responsibility, Look at how Taiwan treats this goverment and the people of st lucia as their servant, and why hasn't the journalist write about taiwan and their conflict with Grenada. Can you trust King enough for another five year term to bring Meaningfull representation to st lucia and which of the Party leaders who is best qualified to lead St Lucia from the abyss created by this UWP Goverment. All i have learnt from this goverment is Maypris and this is not sound policy. So therefore my best bet for the people of st lucia is the St Lucia Labour Party with their competent people, Lets stop living in Denial and face the truth, Why should i follow a party that is not leading Right, This Election Should not be a popularity contest show, It's about the future of fair helen,Our's and our Children's future, Don't take this for granted
Let usnot find ourselves like these ladies who the more they get abuse by their boyfriend is the more they like it, Can't be so with the uwp Many of us ball things are bad, but yet still we cling to the uwp as tradition. This is an age of Information and Enlightement and we ought not to stay in Darkness. Can recall the years of Compton when for four years we ball and just before an Election Work started, and one thing about our people is we forget and forgive, So therefore they will give him another five years, Just to see that all whaata had started before election was put to an halt and may of the project crumble or Deterioted, Lets Remember this and think that king and his men can fool us, How about after Election. They Couldn't do it in Four and half years why now. Kenny made mistake, But he is still the better man to lead out of the crop that we have as Prime Minister, We need to stop this maypris that divides us as a nation,Don't let the likes of Rick Wayne, Juke Bois, and others lead us into making wrong decision, They were in 2006 and look at what happen. Fair helen is bleeding and she needs an urgent Surgery from a leader who has the Experience, The Education,The Vision, and the team around him to make it happen. May god look on all of us and make that wise decision whereby we all can be proud.
did any of you read the document that is being discussed about here or are we just going off because we are SLP or UWP. for example the documents speaks of removing six form from the SALCC, and not saying how this will lead to greater numbers of students having access to six form. also it talks about there not being a need for a university in St Lucia but goes on to say by 2020 they intend to have one person with tertiary level education in every home. as a university student i think that this is the most irresponsible statement they could have made.
I see the same Julian Hunte on television who rushed to St. Lucia to support a bill effectively making abortion legal in St. Lucia talking about bringing St. Lucia back. Back from what? Rochamel? The Hellinites building? The house he used to live in in New York that the government lost so much money on under the SLP?
@ 3:04pm you are truly an SLP supportor, uneducated, stupid, lowlife, thief digusting,no job a scrunter and most of all a moron. I think you should be in a mental institution for you are delusional for no reason you will attack someone for speaking their mind? Sucker you got major issues please seek help immediately sal twist.
Maybe you need to travel and see other countries then you will stop living in denial, Your mind and way of thiking is still in a box, and sound like those screws inside are rusty, It's ahame that the days of black bottle is gone and this is an age of information, Look at 1997 after the labour won and what was accomplish versus the last four and half years of king and his men you be the judge
Looks like they have run and hidden after the 2006 fiasco.
The shoe is now on the other foot with the UWP with all the money and the SLP broke !
Also please explain to me the howling like a rabid dog by the SLP supporters at thei rally.I do not know if it sounds better when you are AT the rally but on television you all sound like the Hounds of the Baskerville or a dog hit by a car on the Bexon road !
As much as i want Kenny and Co. to form the next governement, i really want the incumbmentto retain its position....Reason behind my statement so that yall UWP fools can bleed and suffer to death. The Labour supporters will feel da pain as well, but they will have convicvtions to know that they were not the one who retained those idiots. I really dont understand how some peps can even open thier mouths to say anything gud about the Knig Administration. What a F@#@#$ SHAME! Dec, 19th im on my way CT to MIA....MIA to UVF. Let the PArty begins....What the UWP supporters dont wnat to see at their door steps that what they goona see in their bedroom....DR. Kenny D. Anthony.
why don't you all flambeau thugs and rats go and get a life. All you do is talk lots of garbage on the blog. some of you can't speak proper english or spell correctly. go and take some illeteracy lessons, that will do you all better. better days are coming.
True that and the sad thing is the majority of them has no college education just like their leader....Most of these bloggers just dont need to blog on there. Instead of trying to sound intelligent like you know Politics, Diplomacy, Economics and International Relations why dont you start by taking community college classes? That MAY qualify you to blog. Now remember I said MAY. That is not gauranteed
They will always critize Kenny and The rest of the candidates because, under stephenson king lots of corruption has taken place, so why should they remove him,(king) and put Kenny because the mar pp is a threat to them. One by One they will have to answer for all the corruption which has taken place under their gorvenment, and we will have to extend bordelais to put all 11, plus the newcomers, because they too are doing illegal things.
Oh yeah I forgot Obama the Inept , the Spendthrift, the Incompetent, the Leftist Ideologue who is bankrupting America (remember "God Damn Amerikka !!!) is sooo well educated. Harvard Law Review, etc, etc. Nothing but a community organizer just as the EDUCATED Kenny is no more a leader than bram bram.
You leftist, socialists have killed our Western civilization after your training at your socialist, liberal universities and you come back to St. Lucia with your so called education -incapable of managing yourselves out of a paperbag.
Labourites get the message. You lose on Nov 28th to another set of corrupt incompetents because you are bankrupt of ideas to run St. Lucia or even a cabaway in Laborie.
Red will be dead come Nov 28th. Labour will go down in flames. Kenny is finished. Go home you losers with your pathetic leaders who by their sheer incompetence managed to get the crap beat out of them by a bunch of UWP thugs.
And I am a SLP voter who will vote labour on Nov 28th but I will not contenance stupidity as shown by the leadership of the party.
God is in charge of this elction, and November 28, 2011 God Almighty will provide myself and other St. Lucians a testimony that cannot be influence by money, propaganda, man or any other thing/person. God be praised I am keeping hope alive, and will vote for Dr. Ubaldus Raymond...be counted!
What is all the fuss and hatred about kenny, Have we forget in 1997 when he took office the state john compton leave St Lucia and how did kenny had capital projects going, He end up with the first high tech Stadium ever in the caribbean where other caribbean islands envied us, Give jack his jacket, One of the problem we st lucians face is that many of us don't read we go by hearsay, We have allowed the likes of Rick Wayne, Juke Bois, and others to think for us instead of us thinking for ourselves, so therefore we just follow the crowd Do St Lucians take to heart the Revokation of Richard Feredrick and the leadership of Stevenson king for granted as to what the us can do if they should intervene, Has king the mojo to do what is right, and has he proven so. Let's be real with ourself There has not been any leader who has not made mistake, but Among the crop for Prime Minister Kenny is still the best qualified person to lead St Lucia, It was a proven fact from 1997 and i know st lucia will be better under him and his team. The United Wreckers of the Poor have had four and half years to get it together but couldn't and therefore blame it on Recession Leadership Mattersin Every aspect of life. What did they do with all the moneys given them after hurricane tomas, What has they done with all the money borrowed, How about the land they about to loose in vieufort And the list goes on .
My lucian people and uwp supporters please open your eyes and stop following party but follow that which is right not just for you but for fair helen and his childrenand cildren's children
We keep hearing that the world financial crises is the reason for our government not being able to attract forign investment, but let's look at some of their actions and see if it has anything to do with the crises. To remove gov. offices from the nic buildings to baywalk mall for an additional 40,000 dollars a month, the amount of tax being collected on fuel, the purchase of the daher mall, the lawsuits that has cost us millions because of the abuse of power of our ministers.
@ November 21, 1:15PM Idiot, Get mad now that you do not have a Ivy League Education, Im sorry to hear that Blame it on your MAMA, but guess what my MAMA I had no money either...so that encouraged me to strived even harder along with the rest of my siblings. And no im not in St. Lucia Im in Connecticut my home home town of St. Lucian parentage Princeton and Yale Graduate (Liberal?) and and currently yale Employee. You wish u had a community college education dont you Moron? And no I am not in St. Lucia cause your current Administration would not be able to afford my expertise, thats why I stayed right there at my Almamater In New Haven, Connecticut. You brainless hog. I honestly understand your situation and those of your likes but you cant blame my collegues on there who display their exceptional educational capabilities. sorry for your collage of uneducated bastareds where the donkey is leading the herd....Im only interested in competent men and women like we have in the opposition.Thats the calibre of folks I want to follow...I dont know what piece of rock you are under but i suggest you stay there cause you coming out would be an embarrasment to your self. Bsc, Msc,CPA.
To the SLP ... their manifesto is all well and good; but they KILLED St Lucia's agriculture when they held the handle, and touted tourism instead.
I am totally aghast at their "brand" of a glowing plant in a pair of hands which shouts "AGRICULTURE" to the visually based population. The SLP are not quite devout about agriculture as they have shown in the past.
This, to me, is blatant misrepresentation, and smacks of their new propaganda breed. I am quite aware that the glowing plant picture depicts "growth" in a generic sense, but what about the people who are visual thinkers, obviously they will think "Agriculture".
Sorry SLP, but I have a HUGE problem with the picture you have chosen to garner votes for this election. Sad.
Well sorry that St. Lucians are not educated enough to comprehend the picturisque Logo....It all starts with education...Thats why more emphasis should be place on education than any other portfolio, cause without education there is no prosperity. Too many St. Lucians are illiterate. By one glance of this glossy logo on the manifesto people like you and I have already made the interpretation because of our intellect. "GROWTH IN EVERY SECTOR" and no Kenny and Co. is not using this to score political points, again if Lucians were intelligent enough they would really understand the whole concept behind this Logo.
An idiot like you moron. U telling me to get a life? WOW! You wish U had what I have bitch. WWW.YALE/Princeton.edu....BSc, MSc, Mph...Douch bag. St. Lucia is the only place for loafers like you or oh! may be u are some where in the UK, or Canada seeking Asylum hater dont blame me for your short comings its genetic.
SLP is the best party to take over from the drug gang that is the government. Let the US come for their most wanted on the island. We have two. The only way for them to get to the US now is to go to jail.
Manifest this.....you gave away taxpayers' money. You want to return to power, to give away some more?
My predictions for Elections 2011:
17 0 0 0 0 in favor of the SLP.
Long live the SLP God's chosen ppl to lead St Lucia forward.They will win the upcoming elections. Brother Kenny "Moses" Anthony will lead our ppl on to the promised land. Just remember my predictions on 19/11/2011.
Now all you UWP apologists, sympathizers, hacks and opportunists you can start your usual rantings with y'all foul mouths,sweaty faces/smelly armpits, foaming mouths and bad breath!
When labour re-instate the Universal Health Care (UHC) that UWP removed then you will all get the opportunity to get dental surgery free!
Better days are coming!!!
YES U AT #1,TIME:10:17AM.
U DOLT!!!!!!
You need help.
Some of us can remember everything that happened about 15 years ago, but do not care to try to remember what is happening now right under our nose. Kenny gave away money, Kenny gave away money, let us compare, Kenny was trying to bring some investment in the country, in the form of a hotel, so that we people would have found work, the investment went bad, I think it was about 45 million. Some how he still got a hotel built, which is very suceessful today.
Now we have the UWP who gave away 60 million to one of their friends for an old building, which is used to housed vagrants, rats and stay dogs etc. In 5 yrs the UWP has borrowed over ONE BILLION DOLLARS and nobody can see what they have done with money. So do not try to remind us of things that happened more than a decade ago and try to make us forget what is happening now.
SLP's job creation plan is not sustainable. They should borrow some of Dove's ideas.
#1 I want you to show me or us one leader around the world who did not makes mistakes. I am not talking about UWP because they makes only mistakes and no work to show, only some minor Ti cannals. I wander what we were paying these UWPs Ministers for 5 yrs for, because everything that was done in the country was done by the Taiwanese?
5:46 PM your Dove was a UWP all his life he was economic advisor, he was PS, he was Minister he never had a job creation plan all of a sudden you and him an produce one. I wish the two of you good luck.
My Lucian people, Let's use our two pound Electro Chemical call the brain and think, Think of the future of the country the next five years, How about our children's future.
Should you trust your future and the future of your children into the hands of the Stevenson King Goverment for another Five years.
Can he bring meaningfull Representation to st lucia with other intelligent Caribbean leaders as well as international leaders. Think This through This world has change and is now an Educational feild with men who operate like Foxes.
St Lucians living in different parts of the worlg are looking and are listening, we are not please with the representation by this goverment and what they have done to our beautifull island.
If mr king cannot controll his cabinet officers can he lead St Lucia
It is My hope that the people of st lucia along with overseas lucian will come together and remove those culprit out of office just as tortola voted the current goverment out of offiice and bring in the opposition.
We need to start planning now or else if we faied to plan, we better plan to failed.
And we cannot afford to send little children to do adult jobs,
It seems and sound like the slp has a good plan for the future of our country and that there are qualified persons in the party who are able to articulate a message to take st lucia from the abyss created by the united Wreckers of The Poor, May god help us all.
THIS is a contract of faith.
THIS will get Saint Lucia out of the sunken hole that this UWP regime has put us in.
THIS will restore our confidence in the region.
THIS will inspire the will to work for our country.
THIS will give us hope in the future for ourselves and children.
THIS is our only chance to breathe clean, fresh air.
Thank you LABOUR!!!
Thank you...thank you...thank you!
The blogger at 3:04 pm is clearly mentally unstable. Why does the administrator not start deleating his/her posts.
The St. Lucia Labour Party made a huge political mistake when they let Kenny run again as political leader and kept Mario out of the leadership position.
They lost their soul when the leadership of that party attacked Sarah Flood Beaubrun and alienated with her the very value system we needed to keep St. Lucia on the right path. Had you both Sarah and Mario running you would have won in a landslide. Actually in alienating Sarah you lost the best hope for St. Lucia to get out of the present mess. Courageous, principled and a worker.
Imagine you have allowed yourselves 5 more years in the wilderness because the like of Skeete,claudius, Leo Clarke, Walcott, the crazy lawyer from Cap, etc wanted to keep their links with Kenny and the chance to make a monee.
Kenny has brought you to your knees.
The only hope the SLP have is that they lose 9 -8 and not 10-7 or 12-5.
Set your sights on 2016.
Lets face reality and leave party aside,
Lets be frank and don't be in self denial, The United workers party under john Compton is not the same, Because What king has allowed compton would not have allowed,Now we have to look at their record the last four and half years, Has they made life easy or difficult for all st lucians, who have beniffited.
Now also Look at our Image around the caribbean and the international world, Till finally the US has revoked for the first time in the history of st lucia a seating Minister.
Has they been good stewards of our Economy with Accountability and Responsibility,
Look at how Taiwan treats this goverment and the people of st lucia as their servant, and why hasn't the journalist write about taiwan and their conflict with Grenada.
Can you trust King enough for another five year term to bring Meaningfull representation to st lucia and which of the Party leaders who is best qualified to lead St Lucia from the abyss created by this UWP Goverment.
All i have learnt from this goverment is Maypris and this is not sound policy.
So therefore my best bet for the people of st lucia is the St Lucia Labour Party with their competent people,
Lets stop living in Denial and face the truth, Why should i follow a party that is not leading Right, This Election Should not be a popularity contest show, It's about the future of fair helen,Our's and our Children's future, Don't take this for granted
Let usnot find ourselves like these ladies who the more they get abuse by their boyfriend is the more they like it, Can't be so with the uwp Many of us ball things are bad, but yet still we cling to the uwp as tradition.
This is an age of Information and Enlightement and we ought not to stay in Darkness.
Can recall the years of Compton when for four years we ball and just before an Election Work started, and one thing about our people is we forget and forgive, So therefore they will give him another five years, Just to see that all whaata had started before election was put to an halt and may of the project crumble or Deterioted, Lets Remember this and think that king and his men can fool us, How about after Election.
They Couldn't do it in Four and half years why now.
Kenny made mistake, But he is still the better man to lead out of the crop that we have as Prime Minister, We need to stop this maypris that divides us as a nation,Don't let the likes of Rick Wayne, Juke Bois, and others lead us into making wrong decision,
They were in 2006 and look at what happen. Fair helen is bleeding and she needs an urgent Surgery from a leader who has the Experience, The Education,The Vision, and the team around him to make it happen.
May god look on all of us and make that wise decision whereby we all can be proud.
Manifesto again?
You stupid SLP people are all out of ideas.
did any of you read the document that is being discussed about here or are we just going off because we are SLP or UWP. for example the documents speaks of removing six form from the SALCC, and not saying how this will lead to greater numbers of students having access to six form. also it talks about there not being a need for a university in St Lucia but goes on to say by 2020 they intend to have one person with tertiary level education in every home. as a university student i think that this is the most irresponsible statement they could have made.
Labour had it's chance but Kenny screwed-up so it's wolf calling, people don't believe him anymore.
...and Kenny will screw us big time again come November 28th. Did you see him on his white horse again? Flashback:previous election! white mentality.
I see the same Julian Hunte on television who rushed to St. Lucia to support a bill effectively making abortion legal in St. Lucia talking about bringing St. Lucia back. Back from what?
The Hellinites building?
The house he used to live in in New York that the government lost so much money on under the SLP?
What a bold faced clown.
@ 3:04pm you are truly an SLP supportor, uneducated, stupid, lowlife, thief digusting,no job a scrunter and most of all a moron. I think you should be in a mental institution for you are delusional for no reason you will attack someone for speaking their mind? Sucker you got major issues please seek help immediately sal twist.
Maybe you need to travel and see other countries then you will stop living in denial, Your mind and way of thiking is still in a box, and sound like those screws inside are rusty, It's ahame that the days of black bottle is gone and this is an age of information, Look at 1997 after the labour won and what was accomplish versus the last four and half years of king and his men you be the judge
Where are all the pollsters ?
Looks like they have run and hidden after the 2006 fiasco.
The shoe is now on the other foot with the UWP with all the money and the SLP broke !
Also please explain to me the howling like a rabid dog by the SLP supporters at thei rally.I do not know if it sounds better when you are AT the rally but on television you all sound like the Hounds of the Baskerville or a dog hit by a car on the Bexon road !
Rethink that madness.
It is now abundantly clear that no one knows what will be the result of this elections.
If you listen to the SLP supporters they think they can win 9-8 or 10-7 with the two Dennerys and Choiseul going their way.
On the other hand the UWP think they can pick up Soufriere, Castries East and maybe Micoud North to give them a 13-4 victory.
Can anyone other than party hack give their view on what is happening.
As much as i want Kenny and Co. to form the next governement, i really want the incumbmentto retain its position....Reason behind my statement so that yall UWP fools can bleed and suffer to death. The Labour supporters will feel da pain as well, but they will have convicvtions to know that they were not the one who retained those idiots. I really dont understand how some peps can even open thier mouths to say anything gud about the Knig Administration. What a F@#@#$ SHAME! Dec, 19th im on my way CT to MIA....MIA to UVF. Let the PArty begins....What the UWP supporters dont wnat to see at their door steps that what they goona see in their bedroom....DR. Kenny D. Anthony.
why don't you all flambeau thugs and rats go and get a life. All you do is talk lots of garbage on the blog. some of you can't speak proper english or spell correctly. go and take some illeteracy lessons, that will do you all better. better days are coming.
True that and the sad thing is the majority of them has no college education just like their leader....Most of these bloggers just dont need to blog on there. Instead of trying to sound intelligent like you know Politics, Diplomacy, Economics and International Relations why dont you start by taking community college classes? That MAY qualify you to blog. Now remember I said MAY. That is not gauranteed
They will always critize Kenny and The rest of the candidates because, under stephenson king lots of corruption has taken place, so why should they remove him,(king) and put Kenny because the mar pp is a threat to them. One by One they will have to answer for all the corruption which has taken place under their gorvenment, and we will have to extend bordelais to put all 11, plus the newcomers, because they too are doing illegal things.
Oh yeah I forgot Obama the Inept , the Spendthrift, the Incompetent, the Leftist Ideologue who is bankrupting America (remember "God Damn Amerikka !!!) is sooo well educated. Harvard Law Review, etc, etc.
Nothing but a community organizer just as the EDUCATED Kenny is no more a leader than bram bram.
You leftist, socialists have killed our Western civilization after your training at your socialist, liberal universities and you come back to St. Lucia with your so called education -incapable of managing yourselves out of a paperbag.
Labourites get the message. You lose on Nov 28th to another set of corrupt incompetents because you are bankrupt of ideas to run St. Lucia or even a cabaway in Laborie.
Red will be dead come Nov 28th.
Labour will go down in flames.
Kenny is finished.
Go home you losers with your pathetic leaders who by their sheer incompetence managed to get the crap beat out of them by a bunch of UWP thugs.
And I am a SLP voter who will vote labour on Nov 28th but I will not contenance stupidity as shown by the leadership of the party.
God is in charge of this elction, and November 28, 2011 God Almighty will provide myself and other St. Lucians a testimony that cannot be influence by money, propaganda, man or any other thing/person. God be praised I am keeping hope alive, and will vote for Dr. Ubaldus Raymond...be counted!
What is all the fuss and hatred about kenny, Have we forget in 1997 when he took office the state john compton leave St Lucia and how did kenny had capital projects going, He end up with the first high tech Stadium ever in the caribbean where other caribbean islands envied us, Give jack his jacket, One of the problem we st lucians face is that many of us don't read we go by hearsay, We have allowed the likes of Rick Wayne, Juke Bois, and others to think for us instead of us thinking for ourselves, so therefore we just follow the crowd
Do St Lucians take to heart the Revokation of Richard Feredrick and the leadership of Stevenson king for granted as to what the us can do if they should intervene,
Has king the mojo to do what is right, and has he proven so.
Let's be real with ourself There has not been any leader who has not made mistake, but Among the crop for Prime Minister Kenny is still the best qualified person to lead St Lucia, It was a proven fact from 1997 and i know st lucia will be better under him and his team. The United Wreckers of the Poor have had four and half years to get it together but couldn't and therefore blame it on Recession
Leadership Mattersin Every aspect of life.
What did they do with all the moneys given them after hurricane tomas,
What has they done with all the money borrowed,
How about the land they about to loose in vieufort
And the list goes on .
My lucian people and uwp supporters please open your eyes and stop following party but follow that which is right not just for you but for fair helen and his childrenand cildren's children
We keep hearing that the world financial crises is the reason for our government not being able to attract forign investment, but let's look at some of their actions and see if it has anything to do with the crises. To remove gov. offices from the nic buildings to baywalk mall for an additional 40,000 dollars a month, the amount of tax being collected on fuel, the purchase of the daher mall, the lawsuits that has cost us millions because of the abuse of power of our ministers.
@ November 21, 1:15PM
Idiot, Get mad now that you do not have a Ivy League Education, Im sorry to hear that Blame it on your MAMA, but guess what my MAMA I had no money either...so that encouraged me to strived even harder along with the rest of my siblings. And no im not in St. Lucia Im in Connecticut my home home town of St. Lucian parentage Princeton and Yale Graduate (Liberal?) and and currently yale Employee. You wish u had a community college education dont you Moron? And no I am not in St. Lucia cause your current Administration would not be able to afford my expertise, thats why I stayed right there at my Almamater In New Haven, Connecticut. You brainless hog. I honestly understand your situation and those of your likes but you cant blame my collegues on there who display their exceptional educational capabilities. sorry for your collage of uneducated bastareds where the donkey is leading the herd....Im only interested in competent men and women like we have in the opposition.Thats the calibre of folks I want to follow...I dont know what piece of rock you are under but i suggest you stay there cause you coming out would be an embarrasment to your self. Bsc, Msc,CPA.
To the SLP ... their manifesto is all well and good; but they KILLED St Lucia's agriculture when they held the handle, and touted tourism instead.
I am totally aghast at their "brand" of a glowing plant in a pair of hands which shouts "AGRICULTURE" to the visually based population. The SLP are not quite devout about agriculture as they have shown in the past.
This, to me, is blatant misrepresentation, and smacks of their new propaganda breed. I am quite aware that the glowing plant picture depicts "growth" in a generic sense, but what about the people who are visual thinkers, obviously they will think "Agriculture".
Sorry SLP, but I have a HUGE problem with the picture you have chosen to garner votes for this election.
Well sorry that St. Lucians are not educated enough to comprehend the picturisque Logo....It all starts with education...Thats why more emphasis should be place on education than any other portfolio, cause without education there is no prosperity. Too many St. Lucians are illiterate. By one glance of this glossy logo on the manifesto people like you and I have already made the interpretation because of our intellect. "GROWTH IN EVERY SECTOR" and no Kenny and Co. is not using this to score political points, again if Lucians were intelligent enough they would really understand the whole concept behind this Logo.
what kind of an idiot do not understand the logo representing growth.are u serious? get a life joker!
An idiot like you moron. U telling me to get a life? WOW! You wish U had what I have bitch. WWW.YALE/Princeton.edu....BSc, MSc, Mph...Douch bag. St. Lucia is the only place for loafers like you or oh! may be u are some where in the UK, or Canada seeking Asylum hater dont blame me for your short comings its genetic.
SLP is the best party to take over from the drug gang that is the government. Let the US come for their most wanted on the island. We have two. The only way for them to get to the US now is to go to jail.
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