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Thursday, August 23, 2012
A Culture of entitlement returning to bite government in the butt
Excellent article.
This freeness society is not as free as they think.
Eventually the liberal/progressive/socialist mindset of the Kenny/Tony and Phillips of the Caribbean will implode our countries.
Very soon we will no longer be able to pay back the "freeness " loans and we will no longer have anyone lining up to buy our St. Lucia bonds. There will no longer be any NIS money to siphon off for Kenny's profligacy.
But the st0ry is bigger than this.
Our freeness mentality comes from the liberals attacking out economic and social value system.
Nothing is sacred.
We can kill our children (abortion), offer up our women for sale(prostitution), attack our two parent family(same sex marriage and the glorification of the single mother family).
All this is part and parcel of the liberal/progressive attack on our Judeo Christian values system.
Decency is now abhorred by people like Dr. Stephen King and Menissa Rambally - promoting prostitution and abortion.
We dishonour political office by placing two accused rapists in key positions in our country.
The SLP rape the public purse and destroy the economy by borrowing close to $2 billion in the last 16 years. This theft is disguised under the lable of "compassion" to give to those who expect more and more and give back nothing in return.
As the writer of the article noted : It is an absolute joke that the government is paying bus drivers to run routes because they are not making money. But how can they make money when the law of supply and demand says that if endless buses "supply" keep on coming on the market then eventually the passengers"demand" will not be sufficient and they wil lose money.
That is why you have a "free market" that socialists/progressives like Kenny have no respect for. They simply believe they can borrow and pay their way out of any situation and can "bribe" the electorate for votes.
So they have no values, no respect for capitalism, no respect for money, no respect for people and BITTER DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN !!
The $250,000,000 that Kenny/Tony and Phillip just borrowed is going to cost us $15 million next year to service.
So next year before we do anything to pay for bloated salaries or the Kenny Anthony's Administrations talk, take and travel we will have to pay $4 million PER WEEK for all the money Kenny and Phillip have borrowed.
Over $250 million next year to service DEBT which Kenny ran up with Rochamel, Beausejour, SMILE, STEP,NCA, SLP hacks (wives, sons and all) being paid on the government payroll, Menissa, Vaughn, Jimmy, LaCorbinierre, and just about every other name you can think - all on the government payroll.
Unfortunately the local business leaders could care less just as long as money is borrowed, wasted but pumped into the economy for a TEMPORARY fix so they can make the 100%+ on the sale of goods and the lawyers, doctors, etc can charge their $150 per visit.
Only the middle class and those on fixed incomes suffer.
The reason why this Government led by Kenny Anthony can subvert fundamental economic sense and the free enterprise system by the raping of people's financial goodwill by doing such things like borrowing money to subsidize a false economy like the transportation sector - is because we have become a Godless culture.
Kenny Anthony in order to subsidize his failed economic policies is wringing every last drop of financial blood out of the people of this country and that is because he completely lacks a moral base and thinks nothing of this as long as he is OK.
He lacks any empathy for the suffering of our people.
He is Godless , has no baseline morality and thinks that risking our whole economy so that he can remain as the Prime Minister is fine.
His lack of a belief in values and God in a society is expressed by his breaking of all the Ten Commandments with his support of abortion, prostitution, same sex marriage and all the other abberations.
Excellent article.
This freeness society is not as free as they think.
Eventually the liberal/progressive/socialist mindset of the Kenny/Tony and Phillips of the Caribbean will implode our countries.
Very soon we will no longer be able to pay back the "freeness " loans and we will no longer have anyone lining up to buy our St. Lucia bonds. There will no longer be any NIS money to siphon off for Kenny's profligacy.
But the st0ry is bigger than this.
Our freeness mentality comes from the liberals attacking out economic and social value system.
Nothing is sacred.
We can kill our children (abortion),
offer up our women for sale(prostitution),
attack our two parent family(same sex marriage and the glorification of the single mother family).
All this is part and parcel of the liberal/progressive attack on our Judeo Christian values system.
Decency is now abhorred by people like Dr. Stephen King and Menissa Rambally - promoting prostitution and abortion.
We dishonour political office by placing two accused rapists in key positions in our country.
The SLP rape the public purse and destroy the economy by borrowing close to $2 billion in the last 16 years. This theft is disguised under the lable of "compassion" to give to those who expect more and more and give back nothing in return.
As the writer of the article noted :
It is an absolute joke that the government is paying bus drivers to run routes because they are not making money. But how can they make money when the law of supply and demand says that if endless buses "supply" keep on coming on the market then eventually the passengers"demand" will not be sufficient and they wil lose money.
That is why you have a "free market" that socialists/progressives like Kenny have no respect for. They simply believe they can borrow and pay their way out of any situation and can "bribe" the electorate for votes.
So they have no values, no respect for capitalism, no respect for money, no respect for people and BITTER DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN !!
The $250,000,000 that Kenny/Tony and Phillip just borrowed is going to cost us $15 million next year to service.
So next year before we do anything to pay for bloated salaries or the Kenny Anthony's Administrations talk, take and travel we will have to pay $4 million PER WEEK for all the money Kenny and Phillip have borrowed.
Over $250 million next year to service DEBT which Kenny ran up with Rochamel, Beausejour, SMILE, STEP,NCA, SLP hacks (wives, sons and all) being paid on the government payroll, Menissa, Vaughn, Jimmy, LaCorbinierre, and just about every other name you can think - all on the government payroll.
Unfortunately the local business leaders could care less just as long as money is borrowed, wasted but pumped into the economy for a TEMPORARY fix so they can make the 100%+ on the sale of goods and the lawyers, doctors, etc can charge their $150 per visit.
Only the middle class and those on fixed incomes suffer.
The reason why this Government led by Kenny Anthony can subvert fundamental economic sense and the free enterprise system by the raping of people's financial goodwill by doing such things like borrowing money to subsidize a false economy like the transportation sector - is because we have become a Godless culture.
Kenny Anthony in order to subsidize his failed economic policies is wringing every last drop of financial blood out of the people of this country and that is because he completely lacks a moral base and thinks nothing of this as long as he is OK.
He lacks any empathy for the suffering of our people.
He is Godless , has no baseline morality and thinks that risking our whole economy so that he can remain as the Prime Minister is fine.
His lack of a belief in values and God in a society is expressed by his breaking of all the Ten Commandments with his support of abortion, prostitution, same sex marriage and all the other abberations.
Bitter Days are here again!
Kenny = Rufus ! Lol !
Immoral and Godless!!!
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