Thursday, July 11, 2013

A free exchange to the future!



in your mouth!!!!!!!!!!

u all are from the same shit hole.

nothing better nothing worse.


Anonymous said...

LPM's analysis is still very superficial in outlook. CDB's on the other hand, had nothing specific regarding our own domestic situation. It was just too generic, recommendation-wise. There was nothing actionable in there.

Novices unfortunately, it would appear, are dominating the economic discourse and priorities in the country. I fail to see the logic behind most of the blather and froth in the last budget.

Hope is for the faithful; it is not a strategy.

What should have been the last budget's most significant parts are not institutionally supported, and do not make real medium- to long-term economic sense.

SLP is still too focused on the political bottom line, meaning, the next election.

The fact that a government would not seek to, not even in any small measure, differentiate recurring expenditure and correction initiatives from other forms of expenditure, demonstrates how out to sea the current Ministry of Finance is on modern and proper expenditure management.

One is forced to conclude that the current administration is blissfully unaware of how to effectively manage the economy, and that perhaps this outcome even may be way beyond its tether and ministerial apparatus.

The latest economic downgrade telegraphs the need for more responsible, effective, and intensive data-based monitoring of the leading economic factors, as we appear to be on course to financial hardships ahead with bond issues.

Anonymous said...

@ 1.blogger

with comments like this = stay away from blogs.

Anonymous said...

Point taken LPM

Anonymous said...

Why, anon. July 11, 2013 at 5:51 PM, this is the person's opinion/viewpoint, no matter how neanderthal?

You are entitled to yours, as the blogger is entitled to his/hers.

I really didn't learn anything from blogger No.1, nor do I learn anything from your blog...POT CALLING KETTLE BLACK!!!

Anonymous said...

@ July 11, 2013 at 5:27 PM, this is not to say that the racketeering slime-balls that was last UWP cabinet will now do any better. Does it?