Tuesday, November 5, 2013

“Very Good Year” For Tourism


Anonymous said...

What a cover up article, what a scam.
Notice hardly any statistics.
Where did the great arrivals come from?
Stay over arrivals or cruise ship arrivals?
What about the per visitor spend?
So why all the layoffs in the industry?
This is just part of the SLP's recent PR offensive to fool St. Lucians and they are falling for it.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Thank God that Allen Chastanet invented the Health and Wellness Retreat before he left office and that Lisa Charles has turned it into the great event it is today! Lest we forget.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Very interesting figures considering all the crime and murders. Guess the press have not heard all

Anonymous said...

You hope a 5% increase? in your dreams. But for the sake of the hotel workers, I hope this becomes true.
Just an advise - when you are posing for a photo, keep the lips closed and try to smile, if you can; you're welcomed.

Anonymous said...

Does this rookie minister understand the economics of tourism enough to fathom the transmission mechanisms as the cash flows serve to grow an economy?

Anonymous said...

What about the net effect on the national GDP?

Since tourism is the mainstay of this economy, has the novice minister simply lost sight of what is important?

Does his ministry have the capacity to measure what is important to us as a nation?

Or, is the novice minister simply going about regurgitating what the mandarins in his ministry is telling him? Where is the managerial control?

Where and what are the benchmarks giving estimates of what capacity levels and arrivals rates contribute to closing the gap on GDP contribution targets to the economy?

The CARICOM and OECS Secretariats will not generate those benchmarks for us. And we continuously interface those bodies without any concrete demands on performance measures for our own economies. The rate of return on investment in those bodies therefore remain very dubious at best. No value for money.

Moreover, it is high time that we take better charge and control of our economic sovereignty!

Misery love company. Simply making news flashes that the region is in danger economically is rather stale news. It sounds more like an admission of being to sea regarding a way forward.

Besides, you should as an effective manager, only measure what's important.

"If you don't know where you are going, then any road will do."

We as a nation must stop fooling ourselves that we know what we are doing, when to the initiated, we clearly are not on top of the mission critical issues!