Monday, November 4, 2013

Wherefore This Anger And This Rage?


Anonymous said...

Best article in the Voice EVER!!
But here's just one correction, this anger and violence is now WORLDWIDE and not just in the Caribbean; and it is encouraged and often created by the valueless and anger-filled 'entertainment' the US has exported throughout the world these past 50 to 75 years.

BTW - be prepared, in reaction, all the evil 'nuts' will come out with dirty blogs to spew their ugly venom.

Anonymous said...


you must have a personal relationship with O.J. Simpson. Now you have resorted to religion to solve the unemployment crisis on the Island?

If black people are not enraged at their condition, economically and otherwise they must have already been sedated and neutralized/Zombied.

But back to O.J. Simpson, after killing a few humans he has turned to Jesus, but to see you an old and failed Marxist, calling the young Lucians who have a right to be angry and lynching traitors like yourself, to endure their oppression with the love of Jesus, is a new low and level of treachery on your part, and prompts the question, "How much are you being paid for this kind of SELLOUT?

Son-of-man said...


People like this mis-educated jester has now turned missionary, and asking, “why are people Angry? If you as a Black man is not Angry and ready to put an END to this world of White Supremacy and the physical and mental oppression that permeates his every second of life, he is abnormal or crazy. Just try to understand that the self-hatred programmed into the so-called education is useless information, and cannot be utilized to derive a reasonable conclusion.

The mis-educated Peter, is deluded into thinking that he has a Choice in the decisions of his actions calling Black youth to worship a Naked Caucasian.

Are you Negroes who sing “God Save the Gracious Pirate White Queen”, so deluded that you're thinking that you do so because you truly understand who Elizabeth-I, and her namesake Elizabeth-II really are? Or your name as a person of African Ancestry is Peter Winston George Jeffery Johnson McIntyre ? Negroes are Royal Jesters, LOL.

Son-of-man said...


You Negroes who ascribe to the antiquated philosophies of this relic named Peter, are simply put, Dr. Frankenstein's Monsters; your head evacuated of your History, Language, and Religion, bleaching your skin, hating yourselves and dreaming of being loved by a Caucasian man or White woman.

Many of you are so mentally restricted by the brainwashing of the architects of White Supremacy and their overseers like Josie, that you know nothing other than what your Caucasian God has permitted you to know. That's the reason I tell you the Truth about yourself, knowing well, many of you would kill me and certainly unleash savage vitriol for telling you, the Naked White man that Josie is calling you, your wives, and children to love and beg, to transform you all into a Caucasian/white like him, is a fake and bogus god and an image of the devil.

Anonymous said...

Short answer: Because you are a friggin' dinosaur.

Son-of-man said...


Whatever you do, STAY ANGRY,

but direct your anger towards Sellouts and Traitors like this Negro calling you to drink the Blood of Jesus. Today Kunta Kinte eats blood/Black Pudding/Booden Koshon, and you think you are a frigging Vampire? Where did you learn to EAT BLOOD?

Here's some knowledge to assist you in your recovery from the Inferiority Complex of White Male worship.

Understand your mind has been conditioned to “see” your history beginning in 1492 with the arrival of the European killer Columbus. You are told by commission and omission, nothing of significance took place in the history of the Americas before this date, even though the Aztecs, Mayans, Incas and Arawak had lived in well established and organized communities for thousands of years before this White God knew that the World was round.

As for Africa you were told it is called the “DARK” Continent, because you lived in trees like Apes and you were ruled by Tarzan. “You worthless Africans knew nothing of science and mathematics, until Sir Francis Drake and Sir John Hawkins brought you to be the slaves of your White Queen, Elizabeth-II .

Mathematics started in Greece with Pythagorean. Forget about you building the Great Pyramids in North Africa, you knew nothing about right angles and the Caucasian Greek had to teach you a^2 + b^2 = c^2

Now Peter thinks that there are too many "Uglier"(his words) Black women in the Carnival Queen contest, and now this double agent Negro is asking me to smile and love the Naked White man with blood dripping from every orifice of his anatomy.

Son-of-man said...


Here I am saying that Africans and Mayan peoples who had mapped the Solar System performing calculations of the angular velocities of the planets and Star with such precision that we thought the world would end in 2013 because the Mayans had only made calculations a few thousand years into the future. Yes, but they have no significant History, and “America” begun with the landing of the Caucasians. And Judas with his combat boots and fatigues just gave you a lesson in biology titled “Why did God make spaces between the fingers and toes”, while loving the Naked Caucasian who is nailed to a piece of wood with all your heart and “sole”.

Anything that happened before the Caucasians arrived on the scene is considered “PREHISTORY”; what the HELL is that? That my Frankenstein Monsters is YOU!

See, like you, the Monster has no name! And you say what? Your Timbuktu name is Peter John Smith Winston George Jeffery Johnson McIntyre and your Queen is a Caucasian Pirate? Negroes are Royal Jesters, for real! The most atrocious are the Negro-acolyte-Pervert Misogynist Priest who lie to you and have sold their soul for the life of this World at the Price of the Next life – Hell will be their welcome on the promised day.

--Surah Ibrahim, Surah means Chapter. Abraham.

Mighty indeed were the plots which they made, but their plots were (well) within the sight of Allah, even though they were such as to shake the hills! (46)

Never think that Allah would fail His messengers in His promise: for Allah is Exalted in power― the Lord of Retribution. (47)

One day the Earth will be changed to a different Earth, and so will be the Heavens, and (men) will be marshalled forth, before Allah the One, the Irresistible; (48)

And thou wilt see the Sinners that day bound together in fetters― (49)

Their garments of liquid pitch, and their faces covered with Fire; (50)

That Allah may repay each soul what it hath earned.; and verily Allah is Swift in calling account.

Here is a Message for mankind: let them take warning therefrom, and let them know that He is (no other than) One God: let men of understanding take heed. (52)