Saturday, February 15, 2014

DCA – Doesn’t Care Authority


Anonymous said...

Disgusted Citizen would seem to have been a great deal more appropriate. However, you seem very proud still, perhaps of the shambles that is that ministry. Square pegs, politically speaking are in round holes.

It's all the result of a confluence of the forces of ignorance, "influence" or political "laissez faire", economic survival, and the cultural characteristic of societal indiscipline, way from the top of officialdom to the bottom impoverished.

Anonymous said...

Writer I can overstand your concern?

My question is: how long ago have this been going on in your area?

Anonymous said...

UWI does not teach life skills as part of its curriculum. It is as though those who don't have them will get those by simply breathing after leaving that regional institution. Therefore, environmental issues get the short shrift. Now take those people and seat them in government and elsewhere, in decision making roles and that is the result, mind-numbing insensitivity.

Anonymous said...

excellent letter. Each community should have a building and planing officer assigned to it to ensure that all buildings conform.