Saturday, February 8, 2014

Financial Institutions And Cruise Lines Prepare For Greater Consolidation


Anonymous said...

Saint Lucia is in between a rock and a very hard place. The UWP Cabal that passed for a government ran away with all the grant money.

This one has a carpenter with just one tool, a hammer in the form of law degrees. So, every damn problem in the country looks like a frigging nail. Hammer it hard with the law degrees.

By now everybody should know that they don't teach economics in law school at UWI except one course called Introduction to Economics. Besides, no blasted campus or department of UWI stands out in the academic world today as a centre of excellence, except and just perhaps the Agricultural Department in Trinidad.

Too many of our crap-shooting politicians from UWI believe that shooting shate repeatedly in budget speeches is the same thing as development. They all treat government as their piggy-bank. You want money? Steal it or tax people for it. That the fullest extent of their knowledge of economics.

Then the simpletons simple vote
for more simpletons like themselves, or for crooks like themselves. Forestiere and Choiseul give classic examples of those two types.

Anonymous said...

You forget the narcissistic incompetents that move from UWI to CARICOM and government jobs producing nothing but pensions and big salaries for themselves. They live off taxpayers money and spend spend like drunk sailors.
40 years after independence we are burdened with decades of their self aggrandizement.