Tuesday, March 31, 2009

CCC GETS $200,000



Anonymous said...

lets hope he does somthing to enhace the city for future improvements ad not put more play grounds for criminals.

Anonymous said...

As a St Lucian, I welcome any legitimate assistance given to my country in this harsh economic climate. However, I am seriously concerned that that funds which are not being deposited to the consolidated fund, will not be used for the purpose intended. Corruption is rife among the UWP parliamentarians and their cronies so these monies will disappear in the pockets of the aforementioned and there will be no accountability. I am sad.

Anonymous said...

So that's it? That's the extent of explanation as to what the money will be used for? How does this pass unanswered? Why is Chou handing money to Minister Frederick? To whom is the cheque written to? Why isnt Irvin John accepting this cheque? This all never makes any sense anymore in Saint Lucia! As I watch them ive $0.2 million to someone (whether Frederick or the CCC), whatever happened to the real projects the Taiwanese were supposed to be delivering on, like the $6.2 million for the Psychiatric Hospital and the $7.9 million for the abattoir?

Oh well, I guess 1000 dollars worth $1000 each is still just a million dollars.

Note to all: Do micro projects so that you can claim productivity.

Anonymous said...

That should be 1000 projects worth just $1000 dollars each is only worth 1 million dollars.

Thommo/Luciabro256@hotmail.com said...

Mr. Chou is doling out largesse at such a blistering pace that it is difficult to assess whether that money is being spent for the purposes for which they were intended, and the effectiveness of the projects or programs that they are being used for.

I have a big problem with politicians who see their main role as having photo-ops with ambassadors from donor nations.
It conjures up the image of the alms reciepient collecting on behalf of the beggar nation.

The ministers are falling short on the substantive policy issues that form the basis of the country's developmental thrust.
I am only now being told of an agricultural development plan from a government who has been in office for nearly two years.
What about the plans of the other ministers or ministries, or even an overall five or ten year developmental plan for the country?

I am so saddened by this lack of a vision for the country. We as just sailing in the wind.