Tuesday, March 31, 2009

More political football


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Entrepot Resident, I cannot agree with you more. I resides abroad, in one of the G7 countries; I can tell you, as you, and most are aware, that Chou, or whatever his name is, would never ever display such blatant and adamant disrespect for any developed countries, were he the Ambassador! Why, would he!!

But the saddest thing of all, the present government is condoning Chou's abnormal, un-protocol (if there is such a word),and disrespect for our constitution.

I challenge Chou to interfer in the internal affairs of Canada, US, England, Japan, Germany, etc. etc. He would not see the light of day, because he would be forthwith expelled.

Alas, our poor "Helen" is no more Helen!! Unfortunate and sad - so sad. Shameful, even...