Saturday, July 4, 2009

Ban More Songs!



Anonymous said...

Maria, we do need more women like you to rise-up in St.Lucia to bring balance. And this is coming from a man.

Anonymous said...

Poerful words Maria and so true. This country is starting to feel like a facist state, any challenge to the political structures is stifiled, people are afraid to identify the people who take away thier human rights, they are afraid of the police who are public servants paid for by those very people they fail.
What about all those disgusting lyrics written about 'mothers', all this from so called Christians who purport to love their mothers;, well women are mothers sisters auntys nieces grandaughters or grandmothers of someone, so stop those nasty lyrics and start protecting and respecting those givers of life, stop defiling them.
Well done Maria.

Anonymous said...

Conservatives are conservatives, eg. Margaret Thatcher, Willem P Botha, George Bush, John Compton, Steven Harper, Stephenson King etc. they are all cut out of the same cloth, although King is a bit more progressive but nonetheless he is a conservative.

Mind you there's a difference between conservative and conservation.

Anonymous said...

To the last contributor:

In that case, where would you place Kenny?

Damn if you believe that he is a progressive or libral. Everything about him proves that he is a conservative. There is no idiological difference between the SLP and UWP any more. Colours are the only two things which separates them.

Red and Yeallo. Make your pick.

Anonymous said...

What I'm saying is that King is not as conservative as Compton was. For example in 1992, they were dredging Vieux-Fort to build a complex like Point Serephine and during the campaign Compton said that if Josie wins then there will only be a pile of sand, well there's still a pile of sand.

Conservatives are a vengeful people.