Thursday, July 9, 2009

Court rules for retrial of convicted murderers



Anonymous said...

Life with no parole.

Anonymous said...

Parole is CRAP. HANG DEM HIGH and DRY!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Isn't it so nice, sweet, generous and Godly, to simply forgive and forget, and recommend "life with no parole" when the victims are NOT our own children, sisters, brothers, parents, etc. I second de motion: HANG DEM HIGH!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

The guys are insane. It is a failure of society to deal with such persons before they do damage. Yes, hang them, so we don't have to face our failures.

Anonymous said...

Hanging does not deter crime, rehabilitation does.

Not The Last Trumpet! said...

So who is trying to fool who with a retrial!We have enough of those indecent,violent,citizen failures, who when sent to school,did`nt go, bummed around commiting crimes for so called exsistence!and we honest taxpayers should pay for their crimes!!enough is enough! we the people want safe streets for our Visitors and our children!! I an mad, sad, and you name it,Let us abide by the law! Hang den High, is the cry,let the sentence be carried out, there would not be a second time for this to happen. The saying goes¨do it to them before they do it to you (again)Hang them!!!