Thursday, February 18, 2010

Water Shortage - What is being Done?



Anonymous said...

Why is water being sold when there is a shortage? Also the times given are not always the right ones, occasionally the water comes on in the night surely we are not expected to get up at 2am to store water. Why isn't there standpipes in areas so people can have access to some water, I am concerned there may be infections due to these measures.

Anonymous said...

"The entire Caribbean is being severely affected by the drought."

And when you think that entire Caribbean is surrounded by water, you can see where the draught really is: empty heads.

Anonymous said...

Rain is coming.

Anonymous said...

At Micoud, Praslin and Monrepos there are vast quantities of subterranean mineral water. The fastest and most economical way would be to hire from the USA deep drilling equipment, install proper pumps and pump the water to the nearest basin of Wasco.Hotels must install desalination plants. It's costly.A private small domestic desalination plant of 300-400 gallons per 24 hours will cost about US$7,500.-.A large desalination plant for Wasco will cost 10th of millions of Dollars and a huge bill for the electricity it will need. In Curacao they do it for decades and ask the consumers what enormous price they pay per gallon. Robert Berding ex director
of a large mineral waterplant in Spain. I can be contacted at

Anonymous said...

"The fastest and most economical way would be to hire from the USA deep drilling equipment, install proper pumps and pump the water to the nearest basin of Wasco."

Anonymous said...

"The fastest and most economical way would be to hire from the USA deep drilling equipment, install proper pumps and pump the water to the nearest basin of Wasco."

You have no idea what problems and unforeseen problems that could produce.
St. Lucia is not a continent.

Anonymous said...

The problem is not as grave as some people would like us to think.

Anonymous said...

Maybe we should let go of some of our irrational and emotional ideas.

WASCO discharges thousands of gallons of water daily from the Beausejour ponds.

It is going to be much cheaper to recycle this water to drinking water quality than all the hype of desalination plants both in terms of capital and operating cost.

But WASCO is afraid of the few ignoramuses who will question recycling waste water/

Unknown said...

It's time to face facts!!!! There is a water shortage - it has happened whether it is due to climatic conditions, lack of maintained water supply infrastructure, excessive use by industry/commerce/leisure or residents. The population/industry/economy suffers?? Forget about who should be blamed as there is to much finger pointing. We are all intelligent people with the technology & know how to get things back on track, we should all pull together, use the experience and knowledge that is here, make enough noise so that the politicians and money men have to listen. We all know there are lots of things that can be done, rainwater catchment systems, cisterns, proper maintenance of supply lines, RO Plants. It's time for us all to take responsibility for our future - just know you can't drink $ bills. Listen to your conscience, we can all do that. IT WOULDN'T TAKE LONG BEFORE - AS ONE VOICE (many heads are better than one) The government / industrialists / commerce leaders would have to take the responsible step and make things happen. Blessed