Saturday, August 21, 2010

POLICE OR POLICE BAND? Put Masqueraders in their section!



Anonymous said...

we are just so naive in this country. you hear one story and everybody just jump on the band wagan. the issue of the scholarships came up and many lucians without any shred of evidence made all sorts of allegations and statements. In the final analysis they had to put their dirty feet in their mouths. hearing that issue with someone making allegations against the police lucians again without any knowledge of the circumstances took to the airwaves. media personnel having a feast but what we dont realise as journalist is that we have to be investigative before we inform and put out what turns out for news here. there is always two side to a story and as a responsible citizen will have to weigh the evidence on both sides before i make a comment on this rape matter. we are so quick to judge. we have persons who themselves should have been imprisoned but benefited from having connections in the police force coming on our airwaves claiming that the police is corrupt when that corruption might have benefited her.
sad to say we are inflicting pain on ourselves and our country all in the name of politics.

Anonymous said...

I fully agree with those sentiments. Zandole connait key piey bois e car moutey. In St. Lucia something is wrong or right depending on who does the wrong. That is why this country is covered in shit all over. Thr police are always the most convenient scapegoat. Get the facts first. Let the Courts determine sine its her word against the group of men accused.St. Luicans thrive from roro and hasty decisions before getting the facts from ALL sides.Get the facts first. Get into that habit, for goodness sake.

Anonymous said...

The more St. Lucians disrespect the Police, aided and abaited by politicians, the worst things will be getting in St. Lucia. Like all organisations, there will always be a few who do wrong things.The majority of Police Officers are decent and hardworking. We Lucians must learn to respect what we ought to respect.Everything has become a pappyshow in St. Lucia since the advent of Mondesir, Rufus, Richard Frederick, Marcus Nicholas, the guy from Dennery, disrespect the Police. ST. lucia is suffering because of so much ignorance and so many semi-literates in Government and other high places.Tampi Tamboo. May St. Lucia be saved from more peril.