Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Chastanet: “I am not in conflict with the Constitution”



Anonymous said...


Are you saying that you are happy with the constitution the way it is? Does it make sense to keep it this way. isn't this a clever move by poliitcians to keep fellow st lucians out of the business of elections in their country? We need to start thinking out of the box. The SLP shot themselves in the leg with this one but that does not mean that we should continue to accept a constituation which has out lives its usefulness!

hulla said...

Hey Anonymous...the point is clear.If you want to be in politics in st lucia and serve st lucians you have to be WHOLEHEARTEDLY ST LUCIAN,and renouncing any alligiance to a foreign power is the place to start,although if one takes into consideration the nature of some individuals renouncing a foreign citizenship in itself and by itself is not sufficient guarantee bu its a place to start ...ok Anony ?

Anonymous said...

Let's start with the SLP:

Stanley Felix-Will you please stand up!

Ubladus Raymond--Will you please stand up!

Musa! ----Will you please stand up!

HULLA said...


Anonymous said...

when will anything happen in st.lucia and kenny or the slp not be brought into it i do wonder sometime, how did the slp shot themself ??? the law is there for all lpm.uwp.slp .. people of st.lucia open your eyes and stop looking thu red ,yellow or green if it's right is right if is wrong it's wrong dont matter who it is

Anonymous said...

Let's start with the SLP:

Stanley Felix-Will you please stand up!

Ubladus Raymond--Will you please stand up!

Musa! ----Will you please stand up!


Common people. You must admit that Kenny is the most honest politician we have. You see the man did not even try to cut slack from Jimmy, Stanley or Mussa. He delibrately started the argument by first exposing T-Chas and then those in his party.

The role call is on....who is next on the roll.

Anonymous said...

Does this list include those on the UWP side with green cards?

Anonymous said...

Yes it does!!!!! All those who sold out their country for 30 pieces of yankee $$$ are traitors to our island.

Anonymous said...

' Yes it does!!!!! All those who sold out their country for 30 pieces of yankee $$$ are traitors to our island. '

All those who gave away $45 million to foreigners in return for nothing, all those who try to rob the customs department by under-invoicing, all those who tried and are tied to the Tuxedo Villas Affair, all those who gave questionable evidence before the Appeals Court on the Tuxedo Affair, all those who operated under a false name as a citizen of another country ARE DEEPLY LOYAL AND TRUE PATRIOTS of the nation of Saint Lucia.

Coulda fool me! But you see some are looking at me as though I am part of the group of voters from Choiseul who say that a jailbird is the best kind of representative that we can ever have.

Anonymous said...

Chatenet says that he is not in conflict. But then again, who cares?

Anonymous said...

To me all of this hot air is all about politics and hypocrisy. All three parties have issues with dual citizenship. It's like pot calling kettle black.

Anonymous said...

MY OPINION ... our politicians are Masters of Propaganda - and the gullible, ignorant St Lucians would eat it up without opening eyes, looking under rocks, opening books - nothing.

Can we blame politicians for spreading PROPAGANDA? That is their JOB ... is it not?

If they said Allen Chastanet is the colour purple - the gullible and ignorant would eat it up - hook, line and sinker. No questions asked. And even add to it as well, claiming that he is also turquoise.

There is a "protocol department" in the government offices - I am 100% sure that they checked Mr Chastanet's credentials where his passport, dual citizenship, etc is concerned - and probably other ministers as well.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Femme-sans-jouiyette brought it up. De smartest politician in all of the whole universe! But he cyan write a contract good enough that will not make Lucians lose $45 million for nothing.

Mate hard up wee. He out of work. So he working he mouth.

Anonymous said...

Having agreen dont make you a citizen. Do you get it Anonymous.

Anonymous said...

am about to sell mine for nothing. ti chas i would never have given up my citizenship for a bunch of retards.

Anonymous said...

Having a green is one step closer to selling out. It means that you have accepted permanent resident in a country other than yours, and you have agreed to abide by their rules and regulations.

Anonymous said...

I think we should also open up more cans of worms. How about those who live in St Lucia but travel over to the US, Canada and Egland just to give birth to their unborn child who were not conceive in those countries. Are they sell outs too for doing unlawful things to gain. Should citizenship be granted to their children and should St Lucia recognise thoese children who were not born on its shores?

Anonymous said...

of course citizenship should be granted to their children, after all the parents are lucian.

Anonymous said...

Yes it does!!!!! All those who sold out their country for 30 pieces of yankee $$$ are traitors to our island.


Anonymous said...

We have to abide to our Constitution, it's the law.

Anonymous said...

abide by our Constitution is not just for some. It is for everyone including those who are yet to stand up to the roll call from the SLP. LOL

LuciaBoy said...

A lot of the contributions on this topic are off the mark. Those of you who think that going to a foreign country to better one's lot be it financially, or acquiring a skill set, or technical and or academic education is a bad thing should think again. I can boldly say that every St. Lucian has some kind of family in the UK, the US, Canada or wherever. One of St. Lucia's main exports in the twentieth century was people.
They contributed to the development of the country by sending remittances and came back home to retire, started businesses and built their homes. Their children were given a better chance at an education and a better life.

I do not care what political party they want to align themselves with lets recognize that they have the right to participate in the political life of the country of their birth. If the constitution of the country disallows that then it must be revisited. People need to approach that issue with a little more maturity. Here's one issue where principle should trump politics. Lord knows we need all the manpower and expertise we can get in the development of our country.

I call on all politicians of whatever stripe and all well meaning St. Lucians at home and abroad to commit themselves to looking at this provision in our constitution and address it. Once the person has not committed and act of moral turpitude in the adopted country he or she should be qualified enough to represent his constituents in government and make a meaning contribution to the development of the country. I say ammend the constitution to allow all St. Lucians a say in the development of thier country.

Anonymous said...

Well put! It's funny how Rufus, an ex-convict can run for office, but ordinary St Lucians with no criminal background are being ask to stay out? Is the constitution more accommodating to ex-convicts?

Anonymous said...

Who said it was not written for ex-convicts? When I hear that ignoramuses like Cox from the Commission talk about this issue, it makes me squirm!

An ex-con can represent a constituency and be Foreign Minister, but a law-abiding citizen with dual nationality can't. "The law is an ass."

What a colonial-minded pigmy! As someone said some time ago, such people's ideas are not anchored in any type of deep philosophy, nor do they have the necessary background and learning to review even a Sunday School Agenda, far less a country's constitution. Another square peg in a round hole.

St. Lucia does NOT exist to be eternally a part of the CommonPoverty, still being referred today as the CommonWEALTH.

The constitution ought to serve the best interest of ALL the people of the country, and not just the hoodlums in government.

Lilliputian-minded Lucians like mate should just simply shut up, and crawl back into the God Save the KING era!

Anonymous said...

Luciaboy and Anonymous no 1, I agree wholeheartedly. I am deeply suspicious of those who challenge St.Lucians with dual nationality entering local politics.

The way politics runs now, a lot of people stay out because they know that they will be sidelined for jobs or contracts and their livelihood will suffer when the other side comes in.

Also, people who have lived abroad for a while may not have as many ties to the recycled politicians at home. They don't owe anyone anything and can work for the benefit of the country.

Perhaps we need to seriously consider whether this provision in our Constitution protects St.Lucia and St.Lucians, or the twits that pass themselves off as politicians in Looshie.

Anonymous said...

The so-called constitution includes a provision such as the one being discussed. The matter is very straight forward. We do not need this (demeaning) provision for want of a better word, anywhere near our constitution.We have got to remove this piece of mess from St. Lucia's constitution as fast as possible. I am not interested in any party's politicians dual citizenship.

If St. Lucia can ever survive and move on to a better life for average St. lucians, only the best skilled, persons of noted integrity and honesty, must sit in any St. Lucian Government/Cabinet.

Furthermore, we should also include a new provision which states "any person, who by their actions has been adjudged by a Court in St. Lucia or elsewhere, to be lacking integrity or questionable in terms of his/her honesty during the performance of his or her duties, whether in the public or private sector, or where such reference has been made through the findings of a duly constituted Commission of Inquiry, established by the Governor General is barred from the House of Assembly and the Senate."

It can be done and we must insist it be done, to move this country forward. I can just see the crooks from all sides of the political divide squirming.

Cox is a young boy, with little work experience, like alot of those so-called educated jackasses, braying at political tables for position. I have never been impressed with this boy, posing as if he knows everything about everything, and in the process sounding like an idiot.

All like the Petrus Compton's and Kenny Anthony's who placed him in the Office of the Attorney General during Petrus' time, saw him as a person they could use for their own purposes, and it had nothing to do with St. lucia's good.

Remember the infamous words of former Attorney general Peturs Compton, in Kenny Anthony's Administration? "The Agreement involving the so-called Put Option in respect of Roachmael, IS NOT WORTH THE PAPER IT IS WRITTEN ON".


Anonymous said...

Well said Blogger above, Petrus Compton did say that the Roachmael Agreement is not worth the paper it was written on, whilst the man was Attorney General. And nothing ever took place with that. Tells you, just where we are. Waste like these have no place in Lucian people business. They operate as if they are from Uranus or Jupiter. Wretches.

Anonymous said...

What's the big deal about Saint Lucians who swear allegiance to a forgiegn Government not being qualified to run for elected office? Why is it then that elected members must on oath, swear allegiance to a foreign power (The Queen)? Isn't something seriously wrong here? Even now Saint Lucians cannot travel freely to member States of the Commonwealth? Why is is that Caribbean Governments enourage the Diaspora to invest in the coumtry of origin of their birth and yet they can't run for elected office? I believe the Constitution can and must must be changed to remove this anachronistic provision?