Saturday, December 11, 2010

Dimmed Lights


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What St. Lucia needs most of, is sincere prayers, with positive, honest action by its citizens. A change in behavior and attitude.

Get into the habit of having no tolerance to what is wrong. One does not have to be inhumane about it. But it is a serious thing to cover-up what is illegal and wrong. It only causes the cancer in the country to grow larger and larger, affecting every part of the St. Lucian country.

The first start is to put decent, honest men and women in the corridors of Governmental power, to run the country. That must be the first and very important start.

Insist on fairness and justice in the country. People must be placed in the places of positions, based on merit, and their ability to get the job done, so that good can be achieved for the citizens of the country.