Thursday, December 9, 2010

LPM Statement



Anonymous said...

Mr. Prudent are you kidding me or what? How can that man do anything about crime when the obstructionist real PM is a mafia-type controlling the gang warfare in the country?

The PM is hostage to his inadequate education for the job. He has to get permission to act from the Don and people which higher education than himself.

Meanwhile, the drug baron's hermaphrodite and sidekick are wreaking havoc in the country by making a fortune out of the drug trade and increasing the crime statistics.

Both the baron, and his sidekick the fiendish and merciless hermaphrodite, together with the Cabal we have for a Cabinet are getting away with their crimes, their theft and open dishonesty with impunity.

Like Sarah Palin, our local political post-turtle, the appointed PM has two powder puffs for balls!!!

Kenny is to blame for all this crap. He had a majority and failed to take the high road. The people kicked him out for that foreigner again. This time he had one foot in the grave already. The Ali Baba gang kicked him in there faster than you can say jack rabbit.

Now his daughter is asking us to follow her with this same Ali Baba gang that hastened the death of her father. What some people will do for power. No sense of shame.

If the people have any sense left, they will vote in your LMP candidates, if you can find some very good ones.

Pe'lay said...

First of all, it is time that Mr. Prudent is addressed as what he is "A Party Leader" and not a "Political Leader". One becomes a politician only after he/she is elected by the voters, or even after the voters dump him/her the next time, him or her, still remains known as a politician. St. Lucia would face its worst crisis ever, if the LPM was ever to be elected to run this country with its present slate of candidates. Now Mr. Anonymous, it is high time you start letting the voters know by name, these so-called mafia-types that you speak. It is the only way they will be encouraged not to vote for them. Be brave, and if you have the facts let us know. Secondly, it is very sad to see the way you keep attacking the PM because he was not fortunate enough to receive a higher education than you expected. If you do your search properly, you will discover that this world has been well ruled by many who did not have this high standard of education that you so much seem to praise. Personally, I would think that you would look at the PM's situation and say to others that his is an example to follow, as when many would have turned their back and give up, he aspired to reach the very top. Yet, I beg you to remember that this position was not his by choice, and it is the last thing he ever expected in politics, as he was already retired when called back to get the arrogant SLP's out of office. Mahatma Gandhi and Sir. George Charles, would have been proud of him, so try to show a bit more dignity when you speak of a man who under such difficult conditions, is doing his very best to keep this country afloat. Now you can go ahead and bash me also, as though I attended St. Mary's college, I did not sit my GCE exams.

Anonymous said...

Party leader/Political leader, what difference? It's not as if people are refering to Mr. Prudent as the Opposition leader? If this was the case then it would be wrong since the title ( currently) belongs to Dr. Anthony. I think that sometimes we make too much about nothing. Mr. Prudent is the political leader of his party and that alone should be respected. There are many instances in the world where one can be poltiical leader of his party and not the opposition leader. Did we not see that with the UWP when they were in opposition? Wasn't Vaughn Lewis the political leader and Marius Wilson the opposition leader. Was Vaughn elected then?

Anonymous said...

The jackass is just proving the writer above as being right. They say that a little education is a very dangerous thing.

Quad erat demonstratum!

Pe'lay said...

I think you are missing my point. One is not a doctor merely because one is attending medical school. I am not saying that Mr. Prudent is not the LEADER of his party. What I am saying is that he is not yet a politician since he is not qualified in the field of politics, and has never before been elected to parliament, thus making him a POLITICIAN. So, I believe it is more fitting for him to be addresses the the Party Leader of the LPM, until such time when he can he deemed an elected member of parliament. I do not seek to bring him down in anyway, but what is right is right. For example, I never considered myself a Calypsonian, until I recorded my first song, and placed on my passport my profession as being a Calypsonian, and started earning my living that way. Before that I just considered myself as someone who sang calypso.

Pe'lay said...

By the way, I forgot to comment on Dr. V. Lewis. As far as I am concerned, he was nothing, not Political Leader, not Party Leader, not Politician and worst yet not Prime Minister. Now here is a very well educated man, who was Prime Minister, and believe me, he was worst at running this country than King is.

Anonymous said...


you don't have a clue about what you are talking about. There are loads of politicians who have never been elected. The mere fact someone is vying for political office makes him or her a politician? Behave yourself.

Prudent has as much experience politically than a lot of those fools put together.

Pe'lay said...

OK. Then you confirm that Martinus Francois is a politician. If so, then I am infinitely incorrect, and I beg to apologize. However, though I may be a clueless person, I am not one who hides behind what he believes in and say openly.

Anonymous said...

Let me help you here a bit. Here are some difinations.

Politician-A person who is active in party politics.

Politician- An expert in politics or political government

By your difination only people like Guy Joseph is an expect in politics because he won a seat.

Awa garson you eh making much sense. LOL

Jacinta said...

PE' Lay

Is a damn UWP apologist!!!!

Anonymous said...

That idiot is a lazy and lapo thinker who is wrapped in a cocoon called idiocy. Darn it! Why some people love to measure others by their own yardsticks? I don't get it. What a false sense of values, this.

Who ever said that everyone has to live by your own self-imposed idiotic principles.

Before writing that load of crap, just a little more initiative and level-headedness would have prompted that writer to look up the meaning of the word 'politician'.

At least, one definition would have said this much:
'1. One who is actively involved in politics, especially party politics.
2. One who holds or seeks a political office.'

In BOTH cases, Mr. Prudent more than qualifies. First, he created a party; others create confusion in their own minds and in those of weak minds as theirs. Second, Mr. Prudent is seeking political office in the Gros Islet constituency.

What else does that 'country-bookie commonsense' writer wants from Mr. Prudent?

Stop your jackass droppings,man!

Anonymous said...

What a piece of boot-licking BS Pelay! Haven't heard and seen enough yet? You like a mother who would make excuses and look the other way if her daughter were prostituting for a living, as long as she her mother was getting something for it.

In patios,they say it like this. Lass siteeway moon un veece! Get you manhood back!