Tuesday, August 21, 2012

SLP’s legacy: more debt, distract and spending!


Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

Come back home and help or shut up.

Anonymous said...

I don't need to answer for him...but are you people serious...stick to the subject matter and make a contribution-Or sent him an email.

Good Lord. NO wonder we are in this mess.


Anonymous said...

Good article. While I do not agree with all of the suggestions given, they were definitely food for thought. Politicians in St. Lucia are masters at the art of distraction and deception. Eventually we will get to a point where things will be so bad, the distractions and deceptions will not be enough to keep us from facing facts. We are not far from that point. Soon we will have no choice but to get our heads out of the sand. Again, good article.

Anonymous said...

Well said Melanius !

You have put facts together to underline a fiscal policy dependent on massive borrowing and which is devoid of any ideas to produce jobs except by bloating the civil service with party hacks.

The Prime Minister in grasping at straws professes to be a Keynesian economist which in real terms means he has a label to put on his careless borrowing and drunken spending.

This same policy has proven to be disastrous under Obama in the United States. Interesting that Dr. Anthony is of the same mettle of the American leader – narcissistic and incompetent yet capable of shrugging off his consistent failures and disasters always as someone else’s fault.

I see you have put a figure on the public debt of $2.27 billion which is a massive, unsustainable and a crazed increase since December 31st, 2011.

When will this stop?

Unfortunately the United workers Party has none in it’s ranks at the moment to offer St. Lucia.

The political leader of that party who ineffectively led St. Lucia on the death of Sir John is himself led by the nose by someone confined to St. Lucia’s borders by the American authorities. The other members sitting in Parliament have proven to be incapable of the leadership required so St. Lucia is caught between a rock and a hard place.

Barbados has ongoing multi- million dollar tourism projects by the Harlequin Group which is a boost to the economy while here in St. Lucia, Phillip Pierre is promoting more borrowing, more taxation to pay for the “progressive” failure up at the UN who does not have the qualifications to manage a cabaway in Dennery.

The issue in St. Lucia now is not that we have problems – it is that we completely lack the leadership material to take us out of this mess.

Anonymous said...

where were u all when the uwpeeee was fuc986ing up this country???

stick 2 what point/subject??
there is no subject matter 2 stick 2, just pure political rubbish.

Anonymous said...

"where were you..." He was, above, under some rocks...now he is slowing making his exit out as slowly as a snapping turtle to spew garbage.

Anonymous said...

i see, that crab lice.

Anonymous said...

This government is on a path of destruction.

Anonymous said...

Once again...Anonymous..you're not in a position to counteract the points layout in the article ..you are excused.

I think it is a great article outside of your realm.

You ask where was the writer..ok, then you're probably to young to know or remember, ask your elders.

I know the en rouge pressure is on. Better Daze!

Anonymous said...

Can you imagine, a government with heavy financial crisis on its hands, is covertly negotiating with two venders for the purchase spy equipment in excess of $200.000.00 to intercept cell phones, e-mails and social networks transactions of St. Lucians?

Anonymous said...

Liberalism is a disease..and the SLP have no intention of releasing power any time soon, so i am not surprise of any covet operations.

But they will not succeed - nothing in SLU is a secret. The will of the people in short order will be the will of God.

Down with SLP within 4 yrs..mark my words.

Anonymous said...

The problem we have is this: Which party is worse? SLP or UWP? I can't decide. One party is made up of a bunch of rogues who are not smart enough to pull off their scandals. The other is made up of a bunch of so called intellectuals who believe they are smart enough to get away with their scandals. The other options we have in the way of parties right now do not have the people's support because the people are so used to being taken advantage of that they have become willing victims. In other words, we're doomed.

Anonymous said...

My problem is with people who, when they loose the elections and their downpayment, run to the so call bigger countries. People like Melanius Alphonse.

So please, close your mouth and come back home.

Anonymous said...

Then you really have a huge problem to worry about someone with options, can take care of him self, speak and write as he see fit and don't have to take any ones crap, ooh withdraw..nonsense.

En Rouge!

Anonymous said...

Why are SLP supporters getting angry????

I don't get it. Yesterday all SLP supporters were basking in "better days", all of a sudden it is shut up, shut your jaw, pay "tom" chu,and what have you.

LPM is a little party why are you all behaving so rediculous. Is there something SLP fear that I can't see?

Anonymous said...


Don't tell me that you need someone to tell you that Kenny and Labour are in trouble.

Anonymous said...

Yuo want Melanius to come BACK to St. Lucia?

You are either nuts or under the influence of some substance! LOL !

Come back to a St. Lucia that will have to lay off civil servants soon ?

Come back to a St. Lucia where overseas financial agencies will soon stop lending us money like Greece?

I would not be surprised if the Labour Party is indeed buying $200,000 worth of spy equipment to try and shut down the online media where they are getting the only pressure on their incompetence !

Anonymous said...

What we need to know is this.

How much is the taxpayer paying for the $250,000,000 borrowed by Kenny, Tony and Phillip ?

At 6% we are looking at $15,000,000for 2013. What this means in real terms is that the national budget for 2013/14 is going to have to calculate for an additional $15 million fron taxpayers that has to be borrowed or taxed - now you see where VAT comes in.

Kenny/Phillip and Tony act as if the $1/4 billion that they put on taxpayers' heads is a paper transaction with no reprecussions.

The fact is that over the next 5 years it will cost us and our children over $60 million in interest payments.

BITTER days are here again !!!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like propaganda that my government is seeking to purchase spy equipments to eavesdrop on St.Lucians. However, if that is true I will be the first SLP supporter to chastise my government, and to never vote any party again.

I am truly sorry though to hear the heavy criticisms leveled at my government.I am a Labour supporter but I am also an objective person. I will not use this medium to discuss my specific disappointments but will say this much that I just wished that better appointments were given to Dr. Long and Dr. Raymond.