Saturday, September 28, 2013

Press Release from the Soufriere Marine Management Association Inc. regarding non-compliant day boat and ply for hire vessels using the Soufriere and Canaries/Anse la Raye Marine Management Areas

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This underscores the "carrying capacity" issue with respect to tourism. Some of our extremely naïve politicians believe that the simple metric of increasing "airlift" is the answer, or the supreme measure of success in tourism.

Declining numbers in tourist arrivals are of course harmful to the potential revenue generation. However, there is a downside to willy-nilly encouragement of the development of more facilities to skirt the ribbon of land on the coastlands, if only to bring in more visitors in several multiples of the resident native population each year.

Unless careful management of the very attractions that make the island attractive, and bring in the visitors, we will see an automatic degradation of these attractions.

There are limits. We have to watch the issue of carrying capacity balanced by meaningful environmental protection.

The ignorance and naivete of our wet-behind-the-ears politicians is exposed by their empty noises, and constant carping regarding tourist arrivals, without any concern regarding increasing the tourism spend and increasing the tourism multiplier.

OK. Just may be, they seem to know some buzzwords regarding marketing communication. But sadly, they do NOT show any understanding of the economics of tourism. What business are they in?

And why do the acolytes and high priests make such huge and fantastic claims, boasting of all those higher degrees and credentials, without any convincing display of much greater knowledge or acumen than the street character Bram-Bram?